Challenger Deep Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Challenger Deep Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Captain describe as the huge, scaled creature and "a very formidable adversary" in Chapter 118?
(a) "The crestmare."
(b) "The Abyssmal Serpent."
(c) "The Ballast-Grinder."
(d) "The Nemesi."

2. Where does the narrator describe a socialite drowning in Chapter 108?
(a) An elevator.
(b) A lake.
(c) A jacuzzi.
(d) A swimming pool.

3. What does "MRI" stand for?
(a) Magnetic resonance imaging.
(b) Murderous relative intent.
(c) Mutinous resistance impulse.
(d) Multiple resonance imaging.

4. What does Caden describe his doctor as always wearing in Chapter 84?
(a) White lab coats.
(b) Hawaiian shirts.
(c) A gold watch.
(d) Black ties.

5. Chapter 82 is titled "Deep in the Throat of" what?
(a) "The Sun."
(b) "The Captain."
(c) "The Earth."
(d) "Doom."

Short Answer Questions

1. What color hair does the girl with the puzzle have at the hospital?

2. When does the crow's nest operate, according to the narrator in Chapter 109?

3. What drug does Dr. Poirot prescribe for Caden in Chapter 114?

4. To whom does the narrator compare the Captain in Chapter 118?

5. What does the narrator describe saying to a woman carrying a bag out of the supermarket in Chapter 68?

Short Essay Questions

1. What artists does Caden describe along with their madness in Chapter 113?

2. What does Hal say about symbols in Chapter 110?

3. Why does Callie come to Caden's room at night in Chapter 111?

4. How does Caden describe his inner conflicts regarding the parrot and the Captain in Chapter 76?

5. What information does Hal relate to Caden about his mother in Chapter 120?

6. What does Calliope solicit Caden to do for her in Chapter 100?

7. What foes are described by the Captain in Chapter 81: "War of the Nemesi"?

8. Where is the worm described by Caden in Chapter 68: "Worm Inside"?

9. What happens when Caden's diving bell is tested in Chapter 69?

10. How is Hal's mother described in Chapter 102?

(see the answer keys)

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