Challenger Deep Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Challenger Deep Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the creator of the show The Twilight Zone that is alluded to in Chapter 79?
(a) Andrew Willeth.
(b) James Wilson.
(c) Rod Serling.
(d) Peter Jackson.

2. What does Caden describe seeing "in the eyes of the world"?
(a) "Doctors."
(b) "Ghosts."
(c) "Demons."
(d) "Clones."

3. What is Caden ordered to clean on the pirate ship in Chapter 67?
(a) The tiller.
(b) The deck.
(c) The rudder.
(d) The cannon.

4. What color hair does the girl with the puzzle have at the hospital?
(a) Blue.
(b) Gray.
(c) Black.
(d) Red.

5. The narrator says in Chapter 83, "Your parents come once a day during visiting hour, like a pair of" what?
(a) "Sea-horses."
(b) "Ghost that see through you."
(c) "Zombies."
(d) "Clockwork robots."

6. How does Caden describe his picture that he draws in group therapy in the beginning of Chapter 112?
(a) "Cubism at its finest."
(b) "Abstract angular angst."
(c) "Waves and flowing circles."
(d) "A ship on a horizon."

7. How many times does Callie say she's had "episodes" in Chapter 106?
(a) 2.
(b) 5.
(c) 4.
(d) 3.

8. What does Caden compare his arm to in Chapter 85?
(a) A parrot on a pirate's shoulder.
(b) A whale in a lagoon.
(c) A trout in a boat.
(d) A worm in the sea.

9. What is the navigator's name?
(a) Caden.
(b) Carlyle.
(c) Peter.
(d) Hal.

10. What game does the narrator describe Hal's mother playing with him in Chapter 120?
(a) Sorry!
(b) Checkers.
(c) Shoots and Ladders.
(d) Chess.

11. What does "MRI" stand for?
(a) Murderous relative intent.
(b) Multiple resonance imaging.
(c) Magnetic resonance imaging.
(d) Mutinous resistance impulse.

12. When does the crow's nest operate, according to the narrator in Chapter 109?
(a) 12 hours a day.
(b) 8 hours a day.
(c) 6 hours a day.
(d) 24 hours a day.

13. Who is the nurse that calls the "orderly with the scary tattoos" to escort Caden away in Chapter 119?
(a) Hannah.
(b) Marie.
(c) Sarah.
(d) Dolly.

14. Where does Carlyle say the key is hidden in Chapter 107?
(a) Behind the left hand on Calliope's mast.
(b) Next to the Marianas Trench.
(c) Behind the peach pit in the socket of the Captain's dead eye.
(d) Under the treasures at the bottom of the Challenger Deep.

15. What drug does Dr. Poirot prescribe for Caden in Chapter 114?
(a) Anaquil.
(b) Prozac.
(c) Risperdal.
(d) Apadol.

Short Answer Questions

1. The narrator says in Chapter 122, "If you think about it, the public perception of funky brain chemistry has been as varied and weird as the symptoms, historically speaking. If I had been born a Native American in another time, I might have been lauded as" what?

2. The Captain tells Caden in Chapter 73, "The trials I put you through are to" do what?

3. Chapter 103 is titled "Magic Mantras and Latex" what?

4. Hal tells his mother in Chapter 102, "Our thoughts are only" what?

5. What artist is alluded to in Chapter 100: "Garden of Unearthly Delights"?

(see the answer keys)

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