Chains Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

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Chains Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part I: Chapters XI - XV.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Inkstained?
(a) A spy for the Loyalists.
(b) A spy for the Patriots.
(c) A newspaper editor.
(d) A Loyalist who has fled New York.

2. What does Miss Finch's nephew say about Miss Finch's will?
(a) It cannot be found.
(b) It says nothing about setting Isabel and Ruth free.
(c) Miss Finch changed her will leaving Ruth and Isabel to her nephew.
(d) It is being contested.

3. How does Becky say is the best way to stay safe?
(a) Be seen and not heard.
(b) Stay away from the Locktons as much as possible.
(c) Try to anticipate Mrs. Lockton's needs ahead of time.
(d) Compliment Mrs. Lockton as often as possible.

4. What does Isabel try to do in the meeting?
(a) Blend in with the furniture.
(b) Write down what's being said.
(c) Get Mr. Lockton's attention.
(d) Charm the attendees.

5. How does Madam Lockton say she hit her head?
(a) Falling down the steps.
(b) Slipping on water in the kitchen.
(c) Tripping over the rug.
(d) Spilled candle wax.

Short Answer Questions

1. What war seems to be brewing?

2. What astounds Isabel about what she hears from Lockton's guests?

3. What does Becky tell Isabel?

4. What is Mr. Lockton's social standing?

5. Who is Bellingham's slave?

(see the answer key)

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