Ceremony Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ceremony Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Tayo tell Ku'oosh about Tayo’s experience in the war?
(a) He refuses to talk about the war at all
(b) He never killed one enemy
(c) He watched his best friend die
(d) He killed too many innocent people

2. What animal does Tayo see as he is laying in the pine needles where he fell while looking for the cattle inside the fence?
(a) Deer
(b) Mountain lion
(c) Coyote
(d) Wolf

3. What does Josiah and Robert do to the deer while Rocky is gutting it?
(a) Cut off its head
(b) Nothing
(c) Sprinkle cornmeal in its nose
(d) Skin it

4. What animal went to the mother of the people during a drought and asked forgiveness for the people?
(a) A coyote
(b) A dragonfly
(c) A greenbottle fly
(d) A road runner

5. What do Tayo, Leroy and Emo earn in the war?
(a) Purple hearts
(b) General discharges
(c) Silver stars
(d) Commendation medals

6. What does Tayo's sergeant tell the men to do that Tayo is unable to do?
(a) Kill young children
(b) Beat up another American soldier
(c) Bury evidence
(d) Kill unarmed Japanese prisoners

7. In one of the poems, who is Reed Woman's sister?
(a) Sky Woman
(b) Corn Woman
(c) Tree Woman
(d) Sand Woman

8. When Emo is banished from the Pueblo, where does he go?
(a) Newfoundland
(b) California
(c) New York
(d) Mississippi

9. What color of sheets are on the bed at Josiah’s mistress’s home?
(a) Blue
(b) Red
(c) Tan
(d) White

10. What does the medicine man tell Tayo is the reason Tayo is having a difficult time getting well?
(a) Forces are trying to keep Tayo from completing the Ceremony
(b) Tayo does not believe he is sick
(c) Tayo does not want to get well
(d) Tayo must forgive himself first

11. Where does Tayo want to go when he wakes up crying and dreaming about Josiah?
(a) A cave where he and Rocky used to stay for days at a time
(b) His cousin's old RV out on the edge of the reservation
(c) The veteran's hospital
(d) The bar where his mother works

12. Why are some of the cattles’ necks scraped?
(a) They kept trying to get past the barbed wire
(b) They ran into the walls of the arroyo
(c) Their necks are not messed up
(d) The white people use them for Texas roping

13. What is painted on the war shield that is at Tayo’s house when he returns from finding the cattle?
(a) A Navajo war chief
(b) A horse
(c) A cave with a spring in it
(d) A night sky with stars

14. What kind of victims is Descheeny known to be able to help?
(a) People tainted by Christianity or liquor
(b) Women who have been abused by men
(c) Men returning from war
(d) Drug addicts

15. How does Harley get a mirror outside the Y bar?
(a) He breaks the one off the truck
(b) He gets it when the woman who is with them purse breaks open
(c) He finds one in the truck bed
(d) He does not get a mirror

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Tayo when his mother leaves him?

2. What does Helen Jean do for a living in her hometown before she moves to Gallup?

3. Why does Josiah send Tayo with a note to Josiah’s mistress?

4. What kind of trees do the people from the villages use for carving?

5. What does Ts’eh serve Tayo for dinner?

(see the answer keys)

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