Ceremony Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ceremony Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the children call Tayo’s eyes when he was growing up?
(a) Wimp eyes
(b) White man’s eyes
(c) Mexican eyes
(d) Bedroom eyes

2. What does the teacher at the school call the Indian stories about the world?
(a) Interesting fiction
(b) Truth from a different perspective
(c) The teacher at a white school does not know the old stories
(d) Superstition

3. Why does Auntie keep Josiah very busy?
(a) She does not keep him busy
(b) So he will not drink alcoholic drinks
(c) So he will be too tired to date
(d) So he cannot go to Cubero

4. What is the name of Auntie’s old dog who always ran after female dogs in heat?
(a) Laddie
(b) Pepper
(c) Tanker
(d) Lightning

5. Who told Sun Man how to win the clouds back from the Gambler?
(a) Rattlesnake
(b) Spider Woman
(c) Wolf Pack
(d) Crow Man

6. Why does Tayo think that white people have nothing?
(a) They are being destroyed by their greed
(b) They do not realize they are ruining the earth
(c) Everything the white people have was stolen from the Indians
(d) He does not like technology

7. What is the medicine man’s residence called?
(a) A larga
(b) A hogan
(c) A teepee
(d) He lives in a cave

8. How does Ts’eh match up plants and stones when she is sorting them on her table?
(a) By size
(b) By texture
(c) By color
(d) By patterns

9. What do the doctors say is the cause of battle fatigue?
(a) Malnourishment
(b) Seeing others killed
(c) The noise of gunfire and bombs
(d) They do not know what causes it

10. What does Shush, the name of the medicine man’s helper mean in English?
(a) Coyote
(b) Bear
(c) Horse
(d) Fox

11. Where did the medicine man see Geronimo on display?
(a) St. Louis
(b) Albuquerque
(c) Santa Fe
(d) Tulsa

12. What does Ku'oosh place on Tayo’s stomach before he leaves?
(a) A bag of tobacco
(b) A rattlesnake skin
(c) A bundle of tea leaves
(d) Two ears of corn

13. Where does Tayo sleep the night when the cowboys let him go?
(a) Near the pine tree where he cut the fence
(b) In a shallow depression covered with leaves
(c) In a cave
(d) Next to the body of his horse

14. How did white people come to be, according to the medicine man?
(a) A white god from another universe placed them on the earth
(b) The Great Spirit created them to teach Indians courage
(c) They were created by Indian witchery
(d) They were all born at the same time but took different paths through evolution

15. What does the medicine man say the white doctors do with the dead in the mental hospitals?
(a) Bury them
(b) Keep them in a room and talk to them
(c) Burn them
(d) Dissect them

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tayo do right before Rocky begins to dress a deer they killed in a hunt?

2. What does Josiah and Robert do to the deer while Rocky is gutting it?

3. What is the name of the medicine man that Ku'oosh wants Tayo to see?

4. With what creature is Thought-Woman associated?

5. What is the north side of Gallup called?

(see the answer keys)

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