Ceremony Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ceremony Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Ceremony.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the doctors say is the cause of battle fatigue?
(a) The noise of gunfire and bombs
(b) They do not know what causes it
(c) Malnourishment
(d) Seeing others killed

2. What does Emo carry in his little bag?
(a) Stones from the mountain
(b) Human finger bones
(c) Gems he stole from the Japanese
(d) Human teeth

3. What do the old Utes say about elevators and juke boxes?
(a) They are evil
(b) They would like to see them some day
(c) They are not useful
(d) They do not exist

4. Why does Tayo suddenly tell Rocky he cannot go to the army?
(a) Tayo forgot he had promised Josiah he would always stay to help on the reservation
(b) He cannot produce a birth certificate
(c) He cannot pretend to be Rocky’s brother
(d) He is in love with an Indian girl in another village

5. How does Ts’eh match up plants and stones when she is sorting them on her table?
(a) By texture
(b) By color
(c) By patterns
(d) By size

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tayo do right before Rocky begins to dress a deer they killed in a hunt?

2. What does Floyd Lee call his miles of barbed wire fencing?

3. What does the old Mexican man bring Tayo when Tayo is at the café?

4. What does Tayo find out about cigarette butts when he is a toddler?

5. What is Emo drinking at the bar?

(see the answer key)

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