Celebration of Discipline Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Foster (religion)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Celebration of Discipline Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Foster (religion)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the author, what must happen in order for a person to have healthy relationships?
(a) They must pray.
(b) They must learn how to be alone.
(c) They must be raised in a healthy household.
(d) They must start dating.

2. What can happen when worshiping in a group, according to Christian belief?
(a) The spirit can grow within the group.
(b) Some start to lead.
(c) Different perspectives become distracting.
(d) People start to turn on one another.

3. According to statements in The Discipline of Silence, most people seem to see solitude as something that is what?
(a) Neutral.
(b) Negative.
(c) Optimal.
(d) Positive.

4. In the book, it states that for worship, there is a need for the person to have a strong desire to be what?
(a) Jesus' follower.
(b) Present for God.
(c) A servant.
(d) A lamb of God.

5. Spiritual direction is meant to facilitate what, according to The Discipline of Guidance?
(a) Ultimate guidance from God.
(b) The transformation of the soul.
(c) The relationship between God and human.
(d) Conflict between believers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Foster writes that there are how many acts of submission?

2. The author warns against what type of celebrations?

3. What must be paired along with guidance, according to Foster?

4. During what event did Jesus wash the feet of the disciples?

5. In Biblical times, saints came together to do what?

Short Essay Questions

1. What benefits are there of submission, according to Foster?

2. According to "The Discipline of Solitude," what is the relationship between silence and solitude?

3. Explain the meaning of this quote from Augustine of Hippo: "The confession of evil works is first the beginning of good works."

4. How are celebration, joy, and strength related, according to Foster?

5. Would you rather be the one who guides or the one who is guided? Why?

6. Why might it be difficult for someone to explain the benefits of being alone, as Foster explains it?

7. What is Foster's definition of "self-righteous service"?

8. Why do you think Foster writes that the community gives a "gift" when they pray together?

9. Do you think it is easy to make God the object of worship? Why or why not?

10. What is the difference between being alone and solitude, according to Foster?

(see the answer keys)

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