The Cay Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cay Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the army officer tell Phillip and Henrik to leave the bridge?
(a) They are vandalizing the bridge.
(b) The bridge is private property.
(c) They are in torpedo range.
(d) They are creating a nuisance.

2. How many passengers board the ship with Phillip and his mother to leave the island?
(a) 15.
(b) 13.
(c) 8.
(d) 56.

3. Who does Timothy say raised him?
(a) Hannah Grumbs.
(b) Grace Enright.
(c) Olivia Washington.
(d) His parents.

4. How does Timothy order Phillip to get around on the raft?
(a) Crawl.
(b) Walk.
(c) On his bottom.
(d) He tells him not to move at all.

5. In Chapter 3, why does Phillip vomit over the side of the raft?
(a) He has the stomach flu.
(b) He is in shock.
(c) Timothy hit him in the stomach.
(d) He has eaten a bad fish.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Grace?

2. What is the name of the bridge that gives Phillip and Henrik a view of the harbor?

3. Off of what country's coast is the island Phillip and his parents live on at the beginning of the book?

4. Why does Timothy warn Phillip to stay away from the edge of the raft?

5. In Chapter 3, when Timothy and Phillip are on the raft, where does Timothy believe they are?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 2, what actions do Phillip and Grace take to stay safe from the Germans?

2. Why does Timothy order Phillip to crawl around the raft, not walk?

3. At noon on Phillip's and Timothy's third day on the raft, what does Timothy do for Phillip as a plane passes overhead?

4. In Chapter 6, what happens that causes Phillip to fall off the raft into the water?

5. Why does Grace say she doesn't like living in Curacao?

6. On the first night Timothy and Phillip are on the raft, what does Phillip think about as he lays looking at the stars?

7. Who are the occupants of the raft Phillip wakes up on after the S.S. Hato sinks?

8. Why does Timothy warn Phillip not to dangle his hands over the side of the raft into the water?

9. Why does Phillip accuse Timothy of being stingy when they are on the raft?

10. In Chapter 5, what does Phillip think he is glad he got to see before going blind?

(see the answer keys)

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