The Cay Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cay Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Timothy keep off the island while he chased away the jumbi?
(a) Phillip.
(b) Stew.
(c) Birds.
(d) Lizards.

2. What does Timothy use to make sinkers?
(a) Pieces of wood.
(b) Rusty bolts.
(c) Rocks.
(d) Seashells.

3. In Chapter 13, upon first arriving at the fishing hole, what does Timothy have Phillip do?
(a) Feel along the edges of the fishing hole.
(b) Go back to the campsite.
(c) Take his shoes off.
(d) Jump in the fishing hole.

4. How deep is the water in the fishing hole?
(a) 50 feet deep.
(b) 8 feet deep.
(c) 20 feet deep.
(d) 4 feet deep.

5. At the end of Chapter 11, what is Timothy sure will change?
(a) The weather.
(b) Phillip's attitude.
(c) The number of fish around the island.
(d) Their luck.

6. What does Phillip cover Timothy with when he shivers due to his illness?
(a) Palm fronds.
(b) Grape leaves.
(c) A piece of sail cloth.
(d) Sand.

7. What does Phillip note about Timothy following his illness?
(a) His personality changes.
(b) He is fearful.
(c) He is stronger than ever.
(d) He never fully regains his strength.

8. In Chapter Twelve, when does Timothy's fever finally break?
(a) Midnight.
(b) Mid-morning.
(c) Early evening.
(d) Noon.

9. How do Timothy and Phillip get coconuts in Chapter 13?
(a) Timothy climbs a tree.
(b) Phillip climbs a tree.
(c) They throw rocks at the coconuts hanging from the tree.
(d) They collect them off the beach.

10. When Timothy recovers from his illness, what doesn't he recall doing?
(a) The shipwreck.
(b) Yelling at Phillip.
(c) Going down to the beach.
(d) Phillip's name.

11. What shape does Timothy say the island is?
(a) Long and narrow.
(b) Rectangular.
(c) Circular.
(d) Melon shaped.

12. In Chapter 9, what does Timothy insist Phillip help him make?
(a) Phillip's sleeping mat.
(b) A new raft.
(c) A water collection system.
(d) The hut.

13. What do Timothy and Phillip make to help Phillip get from the campsite to the signal fire pile?
(a) A stone path.
(b) A fence.
(c) A rope.
(d) Crutches.

14. At what age does Timothy tell Phillip he began working on fishing boats?
(a) 21.
(b) 10.
(c) 5.
(d) 16.

15. How does Timothy act when he is ill in Chapter 12?
(a) Sad.
(b) Angry.
(c) Joyful.
(d) Delirious.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Timothy build on a forty foot rise near the palm trees?

2. In Chapter 10, whom does Phillip tell Timothy his mother does not like?

3. In Chapter 7, what does Timothy say to Phillip to calm his fears?

4. What does Timothy smash with a rock to make Phillip's first trip along the reef safer?

5. What does Timothy agree to stop calling Phillip, and call him his real name instead?

(see the answer keys)

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