The Cay Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cay Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 13, upon first arriving at the fishing hole, what does Timothy have Phillip do?
(a) Take his shoes off.
(b) Feel along the edges of the fishing hole.
(c) Go back to the campsite.
(d) Jump in the fishing hole.

2. In Chapter E11, what does Timothy bring to Phillip and place in his lap?
(a) Langosta.
(b) A fishing pole.
(c) Stew.
(d) Fish.

3. Why do ships avoid the Devil's Mouth?
(a) The waters are shark-infested.
(b) It is enemy territory.
(c) There is nothing there to see.
(d) There are dangerous reefs there.

4. In Chapter 12, as Timothy and Phillip return from the beach to their campsite, what does Timothy do for the first time?
(a) Leans on Phillip.
(b) Catches a langosta.
(c) Tells Phillip his real age.
(d) Tells Phillip where he is from.

5. What does Timothy use to make fishing line?
(a) A vine.
(b) Strands of a life line.
(c) Strings from their clothing.
(d) His own hair.

6. Why does Timothy think people have different colors of skin?
(a) Because people are all different.
(b) Because of the parts of the world they live in.
(c) Because some skin colors are better than others.
(d) For the same reason fish and flowers come in different colors.

7. In Chapter 10, who doesn't like the rain?
(a) The langosta.
(b) Timothy.
(c) Phillip.
(d) Stew.

8. In Chapter 13, what causes Phillip to almost fall into the fishing hole?
(a) Pulling on a stubborn mussel.
(b) He jumps up and down when Timothy catches a fish.
(c) He steps on a sea urchin.
(d) He slips on a rock.

9. How big is the hut Timothy builds?
(a) 6 feet wide and 8 feet long.
(b) 4 feet wide and 5 feet long.
(c) 10 feet wide and 20 feet long.
(d) 8 feet wide and 8 feet long.

10. How does Phillip know when it is late May?
(a) He does not know.
(b) There are 48 notches on the tree.
(c) There are 48 pebbles in the can.
(d) There are 48 rocks lined up on the beach.

11. In Chapter 11, what does Phillip realize Timothy is trying to make him?
(a) Healthy.
(b) Angry.
(c) Independent.
(d) Happy.

12. In Chapter 11, what does Timothy put on top of the hut?
(a) A sun roof.
(b) Mud.
(c) A lightning rod.
(d) A carving of a cat.

13. What does Phillip note about Timothy following his illness?
(a) He never fully regains his strength.
(b) He is stronger than ever.
(c) He is fearful.
(d) His personality changes.

14. How do Timothy and Phillip feel when Phillip catches a fish?
(a) Disappointed.
(b) Hungry.
(c) Sad.
(d) Proud.

15. In Chapter 7, what does Timothy say to Phillip to calm his fears?
(a) He can see a ship.
(b) He can see another island.
(c) There is nothing to fear on the island.
(d) There is plenty of food and water on the island.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 13, what does Phillip believe about Timothy?

2. How does Timothy suggest they can get more drinking water?

3. When Phillip discovers Timothy is dead, who or what comes to him?

4. How deep is the water in the fishing hole?

5. What does Phillip learn to feel the direction of so he will know where to fish?

(see the answer keys)

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