Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What do the taunting boys throw at Birdie in Chapter 12?
2. Why is Nicholas expelled from his private school?
3. In Chapter 12, why is Birdie taunted by the boys in town?
4. What does Sandy discover has happened to Nkrumah school in Chapter 16?
5. Who is Mona?
Short Essay Questions
1. Describe Corvette.
2. How does Ronnie Parkman help Birdie find her father?
3. Describe Samantha.
4. Why won't Sandy allow Birdie to try and contact Deck and Cole in Brazil?
5. How does Nicholas offend Birdie in Chapter 10?
6. How is the class difference between Birdie and Nicholas demonstrated in the novel?
7. How does Birdie endanger her and Sandy's cover story?
8. Why does Birdie imagine she is doing a school report for her old Nkrumah school?
9. Who is Jim?
10. What does Birdie do after Dennis' party?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Describe Birdie and Cole's secret language. Why might they have felt it necessary to develop the language? How does it bind them in the beginning of the novel and how is it used later in the novel? What does it represent to the biracial sisters?
Essay Topic 2
Compare and contrast Sandy and Deck's attempts to promote racial equality. How does Deck plan to change perceptions of race? How does Sandy plan to change perceptions of race? How do their actions and attitudes affect their children, their families, and their own characters? What might Deck be trying to prove? What might Sandy be trying to prove?
Essay Topic 3
How does Birdie's perceived race affect her status in society? What strengths will she need to develop as an adult in order to thrive in American society? How might living in Berkeley affect her outlook on people of mixed race?
This section contains 1,073 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |