Caucasia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Caucasia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 8, why does Nicholas go outside his home one night?
(a) To smoke.
(b) To replant the yellow rose bush.
(c) To investigate a noise.
(d) To hide from Mr. Marsh.

2. Why doesn't Nicholas want Birdie outside alone at night?
(a) Because a murderer escaped from a nearby prison.
(b) Because she could easily get lost in the deep woods.
(c) Because she is a girl.
(d) Because they live in a dangerous neighborhood.

3. Which character teases Birdie about giving the "black is beautiful" salute at school?
(a) Sandy.
(b) Ali.
(c) Cole.
(d) Deck.

4. What is the Nubian Nation?
(a) A music store that caters to African-Americans.
(b) A county in Brazil.
(c) A revolutionary activist group.
(d) A country of Africa.

5. How does Birdie describe the present she receives from Cole and Deck?
(a) As a box of memorabilia.
(b) As a box of Africanabilia.
(c) As a box of negrobilia.
(d) As a bag of Africana.

6. How are Birdie and Cole different?
(a) They have different skin colors, so people treat them differently.
(b) They live in different parts of the country.
(c) Cole is shy while Birdie is bold.
(d) They have different tastes in music and clothing.

7. Where do Sandy and Birdie stay while in upstate New York?
(a) Woodstock.
(b) In a Motel 6.
(c) In a small fishing village near the Canadian border.
(d) The women's commune, Aurora.

8. Why doesn't Sandy want Birdie to attend Deck's preferred school?
(a) Sandy fears for Birdie's safety.
(b) Birdie is too young to live away from home.
(c) Birdie is too shy to attend public school.
(d) Birdie looks like a Sicilian.

9. Which horse does Birdie ride in Chapter 8?
(a) Coal.
(b) Nicholas.
(c) Marsh.
(d) Mr. Pleasure.

10. Why does Sandy want Birdie to change her racial identity?
(a) Because she fears the activist rebels will kidnap Birdie.
(b) Because the FBI is looking for a white woman with a black child.
(c) Because she fears the Brazillian Government might try to sell Birdie.
(d) Because the Boston PD is looking for a white woman and white child.

11. Who is Bernadette?
(a) An Australian woman who becomes Sandy's lover.
(b) Deck's new girlfriend.
(c) The landlord of Motel 6 in upstate New York.
(d) Birdie's best friend from Aurora.

12. What is a WASP?
(a) White Anglo Saxon Protestant.
(b) White Anglo Saxon Princess.
(c) White Anglo Saxon Person.
(d) White Angry Southern Princess.

13. What is the name of Birdie and Cole's secret language?
(a) Africana.
(b) Sahara.
(c) Elopee.
(d) Elemeno.

14. What is the name of the book the Lodge family ancestor wrote?
(a) Huckleberry Finn.
(b) The Raven.
(c) A Tale of Two Cities.
(d) The Wonders of the Invisible World.

15. Who is Cole Lee?
(a) Deck and Sandy's light skinned youngest daughter.
(b) Deck and Sandy's dark skinned oldest daughter.
(c) Deck's dark skinned sister.
(d) Sandy's white daughter from her first marriage.

Short Answer Questions

1. What group does Maria invite Birdie to be a part of?

2. Why does Sandy want to stop running and settle down?

3. Where does Sandy decide to settle at the end of Chapter 7?

4. In the Prologue, why does Birdie feel like she is nobody?

5. Which character does Birdie stay with during her teen years?

(see the answer keys)

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