The Cattle Raid of Cooley Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cattle Raid of Cooley Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many warriors did Menn bring with him?
(a) Five.
(b) Twelve.
(c) Twenty.
(d) Sixteen.

2. What is the result of Cuchulain's anger fit?
(a) He sees visions of the Irish army.
(b) Smoke comes out of his ears.
(c) Blood spurts from his forehead.
(d) He sticks a spike into Laeg's chest.

3. What do Cethern's wounds tell?
(a) The future of the Irish.
(b) How healthy he is.
(c) How long he has to live.
(d) What sort of person inflicted them.

4. Dubthach plots to capture Cuchulain. What does Fergus do?
(a) Join Dubthach in his plot.
(b) Kick Dubthach out of the camp.
(c) Kill Dubthach.
(d) Tells Cuchulain what Dubthach is doing.

5. The Irish make progress. What is their plan?
(a) To take Laeg prisoner.
(b) To steal all the Ulster women and animals.
(c) To kill Conchobar.
(d) To lay down their arms.

6. Who is killed by the bulls while they fight?
(a) Bricriu.
(b) Conchobar.
(c) Cuchulain.
(d) Medb.

7. What will Medb and Ailill not do if Menn retreats to his kingdom?
(a) Harrass him.
(b) Protect him.
(c) Pay him.
(d) Chase him.

8. Fergus approaches Cuchulain without a sword. Why?
(a) Fergus believes his magical powers will help him kill Cuchulain.
(b) He forgot his sword back at camp.
(c) Cuchulain made a deal to fight him with bare hands only.
(d) Ailill took it when he found out about Fergus' affair with Medb.

9. Who is Fingin?
(a) Cuchulain's driver.
(b) Cuchulain's cook.
(c) Cuchulain's bodyguard.
(d) Cuthulain's magic doctor.

10. What is the result of the meeting of the Ulstermen?
(a) They offer to sacrifice their best warrior to the gods.
(b) They get angry and kill each other.
(c) They quit and go home.
(d) They make a whole new strategy for coming battles.

11. How does Amargin try to block the Irish fighters?
(a) By throwing stones at them.
(b) By building a road block.
(c) By sending his trained wolves after them.
(d) By setting fire to the forest.

12. What does Ferdiad say he will do if he kills Cuchulain?
(a) Kill Medb.
(b) Have himself made King of Ulster.
(c) Kill himself.
(d) Become a druid priest.

13. Medb wants Fergus to fight Cuchulain. Why doesn't he want to?
(a) Fergus is small and weak and fears Cuchulain.
(b) Fergus thinks Cuchulain is evil.
(c) Fergus doesn't want to kill a man of the same religion.
(d) Cuchulain was his young disciple.

14. What is unusual about Cuchulain's hair?
(a) It is three different colors.
(b) He is almost bald.
(c) It is very long.
(d) It is worn in a ponytail.

15. What does Conchobar order the men of Ulster to do?
(a) Refuse to fight.
(b) March south.
(c) To kill Medb but not Ailill.
(d) To take up arms.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Sualtaim unsuccessful in doing?

2. What do the people who help Cuchulain after the battle with Ferdiad put on his wounds?

3. What does Fergus finally offer to do if Cuchulain will run away?

4. Who does Donn the bull fight?

5. What do the Ulstermen do to Medb's bodyguards?

(see the answer keys)

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