Cat's Eye Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cat's Eye Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is different about Elaine's sixth grade school?
(a) There is no playground.
(b) The school lets students direct their own learning.
(c) Elaine isn't in a class with Carol anymore.
(d) The boys and girls aren't separate.

2. What does Elaine's therapist accuse her of?
(a) Not trusting men.
(b) Not facing her problems.
(c) Hiding things.
(d) Trying to be perfect.

3. What does Elaine do when she finds Susie injured?
(a) She tries to tend to Susie's wounds herself.
(b) She brings Susie to Josef.
(c) She brings Susie to the hospital.
(d) She brings Susie to a medical student at the university.

4. How does Elaine think Cordelia might react to the article?
(a) By getting angry.
(b) By crying.
(c) By rolling her eyes.
(d) By laughing.

5. Where does Elaine go to, instead of going to the gallery to see if things are running smoothly?
(a) A restaurant on top of a tall building.
(b) A bar downtown.
(c) Jon's apartment.
(d) Her old home.

6. Where does Elaine's brother Stephen go to school?
(a) At a private advanced school.
(b) At Elaine and Cordelia's school.
(c) At an arts academy.
(d) With a private tutor.

7. Is Elaine's ex-husband on time?
(a) Yes, he is early.
(b) No, he is late and doesn't apologize.
(c) Yes, he is exactly on time.
(d) No, he is late and apologizes.

8. What does the Middle Eastern woman ask Elaine for money for?
(a) A place to stay.
(b) To buy cigarettes.
(c) To buy a bus ticket.
(d) To feed her children.

9. What does Jon call Elaine?
(a) Pal.
(b) Buddy.
(c) Dude.
(d) Man.

10. What grade is Cordelia in when Elaine is in sixth grade?
(a) Seventh grade.
(b) Eighth grade.
(c) Ninth grade.
(d) Sixth grade.

11. What does Charna say that the attendees at the art retrospective feel about Elaine?
(a) Pride.
(b) Jealousy.
(c) Annoyance.
(d) Grief.

12. What does Elaine find in her parents' cellar?
(a) A letter from Cordelia.
(b) Her flowered hat.
(c) Her cat's eye marble.
(d) A letter from Stephen.

13. What artists are represented at Elaine's first art show?
(a) All women artists.
(b) Only Elaine.
(c) All artists from Elaine's art class.
(d) Outsider artists.

14. How does Josef begin to treat Elaine?
(a) He is jealous, follows her, and threatens her.
(b) He constantly apologizes and acts weak.
(c) He ignores her.
(d) He tells her how to dress and wear her hair.

15. How does Elaine describe herself in the eleventh grade?
(a) As having burning ears.
(b) As having a mean mouth.
(c) As having angry eyes.
(d) As having a nose for trouble.

Short Answer Questions

1. Does Elaine give the woman money?

2. What does Elaine do at the studio, after the art retrospective?

3. What did Elaine look for in churches?

4. What does Mr. Hrbik say Elaine's first nude female drawing from a live model looks like?

5. How does Elaine feel as she views her paintings?

(see the answer keys)

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