Cathedral Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cathedral Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Schroeder feel about the first negotiation?
(a) Positive, because the demands were made clear.
(b) He feels good because of the extention of time that was agreed to.
(c) He knows it did not go well.
(d) Nervous about his role as lead negotiator.

2. In Book 2, Chapter 9, what does Burke think the Fenians are going to do?
(a) Kill Maureen Malone.
(b) Disrupt the St. Patrick's Day celebration.
(c) Kidnap Terri O'Neal.
(d) Attack British property in New York.

3. When the Governor and the Mayor are talking in Book 4, Chapter 25, what does the Governor want to do?
(a) Negotiate a hostage release.
(b) Implement a curfew.
(c) Storm the cathedral.
(d) Call the terrorists.

4. Who turns Queen's evidence against Sheila?
(a) Liam Coogan.
(b) Maureen Malone.
(c) George Sullivan.
(d) Brian Flynn.

5. What does Bellini do with the Morse code message from the confessional?
(a) Begins to devise a plan to enter the cathedral.
(b) Sends a message back.
(c) Immediately fires on the terrorists.
(d) Shoots in tear gas to the cathedral.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does MacCumail give for his demands to be met?

2. In Book 3, Chapter 10, who does Maureen think an assassin will try to kill today?

3. What event is taking place to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

4. In Book 4, Chapter 30, Flynn conveys additional demands to Schroeder, including which one of these?

5. In Book 4, Chapter 32, why do Father Murphy and the Cardinal go to the confessional?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Flynn tell the police on the first phone call?

2. Describe Megan's disposition.

3. What is the signal to begin the attack on the cathedral by the Fenians?

4. Explain how the situation at the cathedral is political.

5. How does Brian get his codename?

6. What are MacCumail's demands?

7. Schroeder and Spiegal are at odds with each other. Explain each of their positions.

8. What happens at the ravine with the murder of the two British soldiers?

9. What does Flynn think Martin's ulterior motive is?

10. Who is Jack Ferguson and what does he tell Burke?

(see the answer keys)

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