Cathedral Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cathedral Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Maureen is under the cathedral, what does she find?
(a) Explosives.
(b) A chest of guns.
(c) A suitcase of money.
(d) Coffins.

2. What really happens to Schroeder after he talks to Flynn?
(a) He has gone to help his daughter.
(b) He is treated for exhaustion.
(c) He is arrested for treason.
(d) He has quit the operation.

3. What does the Cardinal believe about the negotiations?
(a) There is no hope and they will be killed.
(b) The Fenians will give up on their demands and turn themselves in.
(c) The hostages will be set free, but the cathedral will be blown up.
(d) There will be a settlement and they will go unharmed.

4. How many hit lists is Jack Ferguson on?
(a) Three.
(b) Four.
(c) Two.
(d) One.

5. During the press conference after the police attack, who does the Mayor portray as heroes?
(a) Burke and O'Neil.
(b) Flynn and Maureen.
(c) Martin and Leary.
(d) Schroder and Bellini.

6. The Mayor says that there will be what for all involved in the attack?
(a) Letters of appreciation.
(b) Promotions.
(c) Raises.
(d) Badges of honor.

7. Who will Martin deliver to Burke if the assault is launched?
(a) Ferguson.
(b) Hickey.
(c) Stillway.
(d) Flynn.

8. While they are in the crawl space, what does Maureen take off of the IRA member whom she hit?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Gun.
(c) Flashlight.
(d) Shoe.

9. Who does the press conference?
(a) Megan.
(b) Burke.
(c) Hickey.
(d) Flynn.

10. Where does the attack by the police begin?
(a) In the basement.
(b) In the attic and towers.
(c) In the pews.
(d) In the sacristy.

11. In preparation for the attack by the police, why do the Fenians light every candle they can find?
(a) To provide low level light.
(b) To burn down the church if plans go awry.
(c) To provide heat for the Fenians.
(d) To negate the advantage of infra-red goggles.

12. What is the Cardinal doing after the police invasion?
(a) Talking to the press.
(b) Talking to the police.
(c) Leading a cleansing ceremony of the cathedral.
(d) Receiving medical treatment.

13. What does Hickey compare the Cardinal handcuffed to the gate to?
(a) The struggle of the Irishmen.
(b) A four leaf clover.
(c) Christ on the cross.
(d) Hickey's previous struggles with the church.

14. After the press conference, what song plays on the bells of the cathedral?
(a) Once in a Dream.
(b) Sammy's Bar.
(c) Johnny Boy.
(d) Come Home.

15. Who does Burke find dead in the water of the park?
(a) Dan Morgan.
(b) Brian Flynn.
(c) Terri O'Neal.
(d) Jack Ferguson.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Maureen use to make a garrote?

2. What does Flynn give Schroeder from Terri?

3. In the park, what does Martin tell Burke?

4. When Kearney is taken by the ESD, what does she do?

5. In Book 6, who will confirm anything Burke says?

(see the answer keys)

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