Catch Me if You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Catch Me if You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Frank almost caught because of one of his corporate expense checks?
(a) He does not realize the FBI is tracking his phony checks.
(b) He passes a phony check to the same bank teller twice.
(c) He forgets he writes his own name and address on the back.
(d) The check is not a good forgery and it is detected.

2. What is Frank's sentence at Perpignan Prison?
(a) Five years.
(b) One year.
(c) Ten years.
(d) Six months.

3. Why does Monique break up with Frank?
(a) She does not like Frank very well.
(b) She wants to get married and settle down.
(c) She figures out that he is a con man.
(d) She is jealous of Frank's summer interns.

4. How much does Frank make by stealing money from small deposits that people make at the bank?
(a) More than $2,000.
(b) More than $40,000.
(c) More than $10,000.
(d) More than a million dollars.

5. Who is Frank released to when he leaves Perpignan?
(a) The British police.
(b) The Swiss police.
(c) The Swedish police.
(d) The Italian police.

6. Why does Frank decide to leave for Montpellier, France?
(a) He hopes to start a bank swindling scheme there.
(b) He thinks the FBI cannot find him in Montpellier.
(c) He knows that French police are not likely to track him down.
(d) He thinks it is a nice place to settle down.

7. How does Frank convince a Miami bank manager to cash a personal check for $15,000?
(a) He convinces her that he is a lawyer.
(b) He uses a Pan Am expense check.
(c) He charms her into cashing the check for him.
(d) He convinces her that the money is pending on his Philadelphia account.

8. Who is the first individual Frank admits to conning out of money?
(a) A college student intern.
(b) A Miami prostitute.
(c) A bail bondsman.
(d) A Pan Am stewardess.

9. How do the French police locate Frank?
(a) The FBI tell them where to find Frank.
(b) They receive a tip from an Air France flight attendant.
(c) Frank's grandparents turn him in for his own good.
(d) They follow a paper trail of forged checks.

10. What plans does Frank make for his future while he is living in Montpellier?
(a) He is considering returning to school.
(b) He is thinking of moving in with his grandparents.
(c) He hopes to get a legitimate job working for an airline.
(d) He plans to loaf for the rest of his life.

11. Why does Frank have 10,000 payroll checks printed?
(a) He expects to have to hire others to help him with his schemes.
(b) He anticipates needing that many checks to pay for his European vacation.
(c) He thinks printing so many makes him look like he really does work for Pan Am.
(d) He is planning to expand his operations dramatically.

12. How does Frank spend his time in Malmo Prison?
(a) He studies law, hoping to find a loophole in his case.
(b) He takes classes in art.
(c) He wanders aimlessly around the prison.
(d) He writes his life story.

13. How does Frank convince the bank teller to give him the original check?
(a) He tells her that it is evidence in a prosecution.
(b) He photocopies it for her.
(c) He takes it when she is not paying attention.
(d) He tells her that he gives it back later.

14. How does Frank survive Perpignan?
(a) He goes temporarily insane.
(b) He embarks on an exercise program.
(c) He imagines that he is somewhere else.
(d) He talks to other prisoners.

15. Where does Frank go with the money he makes from his account deposit scheme?
(a) Utah.
(b) Hawaii.
(c) New York City.
(d) Georgia.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are living conditions like at Perpignan?

2. Which of Frank's relatives lives near Montpellier?

3. How does Frank get the money from the night depository out of the airport?

4. How does Frank escape the federal officials who are surrounding his hotel?

5. What are prisoners at Perpignan expected to use as a toilet?

(see the answer keys)

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