Catch Me if You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Catch Me if You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Frank find out what a "blue baby" is?
(a) He figures it out when he sees the baby.
(b) He asks a nurse.
(c) He asks an intern.
(d) He checks his pocket medical dictionary.

2. How long does Frank usually stay in a new apartment?
(a) Long enough to finish a relationship with his current girlfriend.
(b) Long enough to wait until his next deadhead flight.
(c) Long enough to throw the police off his trail.
(d) Long enough to have a new box of checks delivered to him.

3. What kind of a deal does Frank make with the gas station attendant?
(a) He works to pay for gas instead of paying for it with his credit card.
(b) He charges tires, but sells them back to the gas station for less than they are worth.
(c) He uses his gas card to buy groceries and other items as well as gas.
(d) He uses his credit card to pay back the money he owes.

4. How does Frank earn the respect of the hospital's interns?
(a) He questions every choice they make.
(b) He lets them practice medicine.
(c) He shows them how much he knows.
(d) He tells them what to do.

5. When he realizes that airline employees are suspicious of him, how does Frank gather more information about his role as a pilot?
(a) He reads airline magazines.
(b) He uses a method of trial and error.
(c) He conducts more interviews.
(d) He goes to the library.

6. Who is the first victim of Frank's cons?
(a) His friends.
(b) His teacher.
(c) His father.
(d) His mother.

7. How does Frank's supervisor at the Attorney General's office treat him?
(a) Like a competent attorney.
(b) Like a gopher.
(c) Like a secretary.
(d) Like a future politician.

8. What does Frank's ability to pass the bar exam prove?
(a) He is smart enough to finish school and get a good job.
(b) Frank should stay in his job as an attorney.
(c) It is easy to cheat on the bar exam.
(d) Anyone can be a lawyer.

9. Why does Frank pretend to be a representative of Carib Air?
(a) To get a pilot's license made.
(b) To get a sample I.D. card made.
(c) To deadhead on a flight.
(d) To get a pilot's uniform.

10. How does Frank add to his university lectures?
(a) He makes up stories to illustrate points in the text.
(b) He asks his students to tell stories from their experience.
(c) He tells stories based on his own experiences.
(d) He goes to the library to find more information.

11. How does Frank test out what he learns about airline terms and procedures?
(a) He asks a Pan Am employee whether his disguise works.
(b) He asks a stewardess for a date.
(c) He hangs out at LaGuardia and meets pilots and stewardesses.
(d) He immediately deadheads on a flight.

12. Why does Frank feel safe from the law while he is working as an attorney?
(a) Because he no longer lives in New Orleans or Atlanta.
(b) Because he thinks that the FBI forgets all about him by now.
(c) Because he does not pass any phony checks in almost two years.
(d) Because he does not think the FBI thinks to look for him in the Attorney General's office.

13. If Frank gets a regular job, which of the following professions do you think he is best suited for?
(a) Actor.
(b) Waiter.
(c) Cashier.
(d) Fireman.

14. What mistake does Frank's father have expunged from Frank's record?
(a) Truancy from school.
(b) Forging a check.
(c) His arrest for stealing a car.
(d) His credit card scheme.

15. Why do the hospital doctors and staff think that Frank is very committed to his education?
(a) He tells them that he is working on a research paper.
(b) He spends a lot of time in the hospital library.
(c) He seems to know a lot about pediatric medicine.
(d) He is interviewed by a panel of doctors.

Short Answer Questions

1. What impression might a reader form about Frank's character from the first chapter?

2. How does Frank avoid leaving a trail at his apartment building?

3. Why does Frank tell the sales representative that he needs to order 200 I.D. cards when he really only needs one for himself?

4. How does Frank avoid blowing his cover while he is working at the hospital?

5. What does Frank decide to do to make it possible for him to cash more bad checks?

(see the answer keys)

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