Catch a Fire: The Life of Bob Marley Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Timothy White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Catch a Fire: The Life of Bob Marley Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Timothy White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 13: Crisis.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During Omeriah's funeral, why were the mirrors turned in the house?
(a) To preserve his spirit for reincarnation.
(b) To prevent Omeriah from rising from the dead.
(c) To prevent more deaths in the family.
(d) To confuse any evil spirits lurking around.

2. What did Bob dream about on September 10, 1964 that caused him to wake with severe chest pain?
(a) Kingston.
(b) Nine Miles.
(c) Coxsone.
(d) Cedella.

3. How did Captain Marley die?
(a) From old age.
(b) From a car accident.
(c) From a stroke.
(d) From a heart attack.

4. How was a girl in Bob's culture seen if she was not pregnant by the time she was out of her teens?
(a) As prude and snobbish.
(b) As intelligent and resourceful.
(c) This is not considered.
(d) As a barren and worthless woman.

5. Why did Bob tell his mother not to worry about his father's remarriage?
(a) Karma would repay Captain Marley.
(b) They did not need Captain Marley anyway.
(c) Bob did not tell his mother not to worry.
(d) Captain Marley was going to die soon anyway.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Bob's godmother offend the family?

2. How was "Catch a Fire" received?

3. Who suggested that Marley and Johnny Nash go to Sweden in 1970?

4. Where did Cedella go to see Marley play?

5. Who purchased a house in Kingston in the early 1970s in order to get some Jamaican roots?

(see the answer key)

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