Cat Person Test | Final Test - Medium

Roupenian, Kristen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cat Person Test | Final Test - Medium

Roupenian, Kristen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many film classes has Margot taken in her life?
(a) 0.
(b) 3.
(c) 1.
(d) 2.

2. What dialogue tag is used for Robert's question to Margot about her age?
(a) Demanded.
(b) Whispered.
(c) Shouted.
(d) Murmured.

3. How does Margot come to fall off of Robert's lap inside his car?
(a) She throws herself down.
(b) She loses her balance.
(c) He pushes her off.
(d) The seat malfunctions.

4. Margot reflects upon the fact that she has never gone to what sort of location in order to have sex before?
(a) To a house in a nice neighborhood.
(b) To someone's house.
(c) To a house where only one man lives.
(d) To a seedy motel.

5. What is NOT an action Robert takes as part of his protective reaction to Margot's tears?
(a) He stands up straight.
(b) All of the tension drains out of his body.
(c) He wraps his arms around her.
(d) He gives her a piggy back ride.

Short Answer Questions

1. With what kind of motion does Robert approach Margot for their first kiss, according to Margot?

2. What physical reaction does Margot have when Robert is kissing and touching her?

3. Margot and Robert decide to go to what location in order to have sex?

4. How many large bookcases does Margot note within Robert's house?

5. Robert offers to get Margot what kind of drink when they arrive at the bar?

Short Essay Questions

1. What method does Margot use in order to "bludgeon her resistance into submission" (88)?

2. How does the theme of deception enter the narrative?

3. Of what knowledge does Margot feel sure as she tells Robert that he must consider her an idiot?

4. Describe the first kiss between Margot and Robert.

5. In what type of thinking does Margot engage when she can "hardly admit to herself" (89) that she is doing it?

6. How does one particular action of Margot's cause a marked change in Robert's mood?

7. What action does Margot take that radically changes Robert's demeanor outside of the underground bar?

8. Margot feels that Robert's jokes about which aspect of her personality are unfair?

9. By her third beer, Margot is said to be thinking about what subject?

10. What marked difference does Margot see between the experience with Robert and her previous sexual experiences?

(see the answer keys)

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