Caste Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 221 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Caste Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 221 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6: "Part Six: Backlash".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Tushar, from the London conference in "Chapter Ten: Central Miscasting," say caused him to question the caste system?
(a) His Hindu faith.
(b) His own status as a Dalit.
(c) The treatment his father received by members of the highest caste.
(d) The disparity in privilege he witnessed in India.

2. In "Chapter Five: 'The Container We Have Built for You,'" what does Harold Hale do when people knock down his mailbox?
(a) Resets it, in concrete.
(b) Complains to the police.
(c) Moves to a safer neighborhood.
(d) Forms a neighborhood watch committee.

3. In "Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Symbols of Caste," whose statue causes the controversy in Charlottesville, Virginia?
(a) J.E.B. Stuart.
(b) Stonewall Jackson.
(c) Jefferson Davis.
(d) Robert E. Lee.

4. In "Chapter Twenty: The Inevitable Narcissism of Caste," to which narcissistic family role does Wilkerson compare indigenous peoples?
(a) The "scapegoat."
(b) The "lost child."
(c) The "golden child."
(d) The "peacemaker."

5. Where does the word "caste" come from?
(a) The Latin "castus," meaning "chaste."
(b) The Middle English "outcasten," meaning "to expel or reject."
(c) The Old Norse word "kasta," meaning "throw."
(d) The Portuguese word "casta," meaning "breed" or "race."

Short Answer Questions

1. On page 287 of "Chapter Twenty-Two: The Stockholm Syndrome and the Survival of the Subordinate Class," what does Wilkerson blame on "the latitude granted these white saviors...[and] the collective desire to solve tribal wounds with superficial gestures of grace from the wounded"?

2. In what year did Alabama repeal its law against interracial marriage?

3. In "Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Symbols of Caste," Wilkerson says that the tarp-covered statue looks like "a giant chifforobe" (334). What is a "chifforobe"?

4. According to Wilkerson, how are jobs assigned under the Indian caste system?

5. In the opening analogy of the book, what is the melting permafrost being compared to?

(see the answer key)

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