Caste Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 221 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Caste Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 221 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6: "Part Six: Backlash".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Chapter Ten: Central Miscasting," how many other people of African descent are at the London conference besides Wilkerson?
(a) Dozens.
(b) One.
(c) The conference is primarily attended by Africans and African Americans.
(d) None.

2. In "Chapter Twenty-Six: Turning Point and the Resurgence of Caste," what does Wilkerson say political scientists call "the belief that undeserving groups are getting ahead while your group is left behind" (325)?
(a) Status threat.
(b) Racialized economics.
(c) Caste loyalty.
(d) Collective narcissism.

3. In "Chapter Five: 'The Container We Have Built for You,'" why does Harold Hale's daughter get called into her principal's office?
(a) For holding hands with a White boy.
(b) For using walkie-talkies with her friends.
(c) For asking to be moved to a more advanced class.
(d) For telling a teacher to call her by her last name.

4. In "A Long-Running Play and the Emergence of Caste in America," what does the Nigerian playwright tell Wilkerson about Blacks in Africa?
(a) They are afraid to come to the U.S.
(b) They also have a history of slavery.
(c) They do not exist.
(d) They are also prejudiced against Black Americans.

5. In "Chapter Twenty-Five: A Change in the Script," whom does Wilkerson quote as saying that there was nothing more important than making sure that Obama did not win a second election?
(a) The leader of the Ku Klux Klan.
(b) The pastor of the largest evangelical church in Alabama.
(c) The Republican Senate Majority Leader.
(d) An Arizona governor.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Chapter Twelve: A Scapegoat to Bear the Sins of the World," what change in the concept of the scapegoat does Wilkerson say has occurred over time?

2. What was decided at the conference depicted in the opening of "The Nazis and the Acceleration of Caste"?

3. In "Chapter Six: The Measure of Humanity," where does Wilkerson say that the idea of race began?

4. In "Chapter Fifteen: The Urgent Necessity of a Bottom Rung," how did the incident at People's Grocery begin?

5. In "Chapter Fourteen: The Intrusion of Caste in Everyday Life," what figure of speech does Wilkerson use when she says that modern caste protocols "are like the wind" (212)?

(see the answer key)

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