Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK Test | Final Test - Easy

Gerald Posner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK Test | Final Test - Easy

Gerald Posner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who claimed to have seen Ruby at the Parkland Hospital after the assassination?
(a) Seth Kantor.
(b) Marina Oswald.
(c) Jackie Kennedy.
(d) Anton Kisiski.

2. Who was the sales agent taking care of Ruby at the newspaper office?
(a) Don Campbell.
(b) Sam Gandi.
(c) Don Mitchell.
(d) Mark Camptbell.

3. Who removed the body from the Hospital after Kennedy's death?
(a) The State of Texas employees.
(b) The District attorney.
(c) The Secret Service.
(d) The Kennedy family.

4. When was Clay Shaw acquitted of the conspiracy charge presented in Chapter 18?
(a) May 1, 1968.
(b) March 1, 1968.
(c) March 1, 1969.
(d) March 12, 1968.

5. When was Ruby in Dallas according to Chapter 16?
(a) November 21, 1963.
(b) November 21, 1963.
(c) November 21, 1963.
(d) November 21, 1963.

6. Who headed the fact finding commission created by Johnson?
(a) Edgar Warren.
(b) Sonya Warren.
(c) Tom Warren.
(d) Earl Warren.

7. Who was present when Oswald arrived at his rooming house after the shooting?
(a) Earlene Jacobson.
(b) Mary Bledsoe.
(c) Helen Roe.
(d) Earlene Roberts.

8. Why were the autopsy photos not examined by the fact finding commission?
(a) No pictures were taken.
(b) They were too gruesome.
(c) The Kennedy family refused to released them.
(d) They were irrelevant.

9. What time did the questioning of Oswald start according to Chapter 15?
(a) 1:30 p.m.
(b) 3:30 p.m.
(c) 2:30 p.m.
(d) 4:30 p.m.

10. Who was Ruby's roommate in Chapter 16?
(a) Marina Oswald.
(b) Lee Oswald.
(c) George Senator.
(d) Tom Gerrison.

11. Who was with Kennedy most of the time in the hospital room?
(a) His wife, Jackie.
(b) His son.
(c) His brother.
(d) Lyndon Johnson.

12. How many Americans believed Oswald acted alone according to a Gallop Poll presented in Chapter 17?
(a) 29%.
(b) 49%.
(c) 59%.
(d) 39%.

13. What did Oswald's attitude during his interrogation lead Marina to believe?
(a) That he was innocent.
(b) That he wanted her.
(c) That he was mad.
(d) That he was guilty.

14. What controversy did Posner mention about the bullet?
(a) If the bullets were Cuban.
(b) If one bullet could hit both the President and the Governor.
(c) If Oswald manufactured the bullets himself.
(d) If the bullets were Russian.

15. Where did Ruby buy some goods from after visiting his sister?
(a) The Ritz Delicatessen.
(b) Sears.
(c) Empire Walton.
(d) Walmart.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was the Zapruder film not able to provide all the answers about the location of the shots?

2. What did Kennedy's electrocardiogram show according to the testimonies of the doctors and nurses at the hospital?

3. When did Johnson order for a fact finding mission to be created?

4. Who witnessed the killing of Officer J.D. Tippit by Oswald?

5. What was Jack Ruby's occupation?

(see the answer keys)

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