Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Gerald Posner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Gerald Posner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 16.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many controversial issues did Posner mention in Chapter 14?
(a) 6 controversial issues.
(b) 3 controversial issues.
(c) 2 controversial issues.
(d) 5 controversial issues.

2. When did Oswald arrive at Dallas according to Chapter 9?
(a) October 3, 1964.
(b) October 3, 1963.
(c) October 13, 1963.
(d) September 3, 1963.

3. When did Oswald leave for Europe after his tour as a Marine?
(a) September 20, 1960.
(b) September 20, 1962.
(c) September 20, 1957.
(d) September 20, 1959.

4. When did Ruby arrive at the Carousel Club?
(a) Around 3 p.m. on November 21.
(b) Around 3 p.m. on November 21.
(c) Around 3 p.m. on November 21.
(d) Around 3 p.m. on November 21.

5. What did Oswald force Marina to do in Chapter 6?
(a) Divorce him.
(b) Write a letter to the USSR Embassy.
(c) Move out of his house.
(d) Introduce him to her Russian friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Oswald's mother's name?

2. Who did Oswald spend the weekend of October 18, 1963 with?

3. Who did Ruby buy sandwiches for in Chapter 16?

4. Where was Nosenko questioned by the CIA?

5. What did Oswald tell the KGB agent interviewing him at the Soviet Embassy?

(see the answer key)

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