Carry On Test | Final Test - Medium

Rainbow Rowell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Carry On Test | Final Test - Medium

Rainbow Rowell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What expression do many of the Mages use to mean surprise or disbelief?
(a) Crowley.
(b) Gandalf.
(c) Wandering Wands.
(d) Merciful Mangoes.

2. What does Penny ask Simon to do to her that Simon does not want to do in Chapter 45?
(a) Give her some of his dark books.
(b) Cut her arm with a knife.
(c) Push some of his magic into her.
(d) Cut her hair.

3. In Chapter 51, why does Baz find the idea of marrying Agatha appealing?
(a) His father would love it.
(b) They would marry their family fortunes and become very wealthy.
(c) It would mean he could do the work he has always wanted to do.
(d) He really likes Agatha.

4. What did Baz's mother do for his father when she proposed to him?
(a) Made an ocean tide turn.
(b) Rearranged the starts.
(c) Hung the moon.
(d) Planted 100 trees.

5. What does Ebb tell Simon about her brother that shocks him in Chapter 52?
(a) He died by suicide.
(b) He betrayed her and it is like he is dead to Ebb for this reason.
(c) He is the only magician ever to choose death with the vampires.
(d) He is more powerful than Ebb.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who cast healing spells on Baz after he was bitten by the vampire?

2. What does Simon tell Penny about their investigation that shocks her in Chapter 65?

3. What does sunlight do to Baz?

4. What is one spell Penny casts to try to counter Simon's spell in Chapter 44?

5. What spell does Baz cast to seal his truce with Simon?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 67, why did Simon leave Penny and Agatha on the way back to London to go back to Baz's house?

2. How does Baz get turned into a vampire?

3. In Chapter 44, what kind of spell does Simon attempt to stop the dragon that backfires?

4. What does Penny know her father is lying to her about in Chapter 59?

5. In Chapter 62, what does Simon do to help Baz hunting?

6. How does Agatha react when Penny brings her to Baz's house in Chapter 65?

7. What does Penny's father, Professor Bunce, study?

8. What interesting information does Simon learn from Ebb in Chapter 52 that he has to tell Baz immediately?

9. What is Simon's first impression when he walks into the den of vampires with Baz in Chapter 60?

10. What does Agatha tell Simon in Chapter 49 that disappoints him to his core?

(see the answer keys)

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