Carry On Test | Final Test - Easy

Rainbow Rowell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Carry On Test | Final Test - Easy

Rainbow Rowell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Agatha's housekeeper tells her that Lucy Sailsbury went away to which of the following places after finishing at Watford?
(a) Berlin.
(b) California.
(c) Rome.
(d) Scotland.

2. How does Baz's magic feel to Simon?
(a) It leaves a sweet taste in Simon's mouth.
(b) It is soothing.
(c) It feels like ice in his veins.
(d) It burns.

3. What does Simon notice about Baz at Christmas Eve dinner?
(a) There is almost nothing on his plate.
(b) He only takes the vegetables.
(c) He only takes the meat.
(d) There is way too much food on his plate.

4. Why did Baz's father decline to pay the ransom for him?
(a) He wanted to come find Simon himself.
(b) Pitches do not negotiate for hostages.
(c) He did not have the money.
(d) He wanted to kill all the numpties first.

5. What does Penny's father lie to her about in Chapter 59?
(a) Whether Penny really has talent or not.
(b) Knowing who Nicodemus is.
(c) Knowing about the Watford Tragedy.
(d) How he met Penny's mother.

6. What do Simon and Baz see together in Chapter 48 that surprises both of them when Simon pushes his magic into Baz again?
(a) Stars.
(b) Birds.
(c) Lakes.
(d) Mountains.

7. What does Simon ask Baz to admit to him in Chapter 48?
(a) That he likes the dark arts.
(b) That Simon is a more powerful magician.
(c) That he is a vampire.
(d) That Fiona tried to kill him.

8. Where does Baz tell Agatha, Penny and Simon he was kidnapped from?
(a) His house.
(b) The coven.
(c) Watford.
(d) The club.

9. What does Simon say he will end up doing for Christmas in Chapter 49?
(a) Staying at Watford.
(b) Going back to the orphanage.
(c) Volunteering at a nursing home.
(d) Spending it with the Mage.

10. What do Baz and Simon eat together in Chapter 62?
(a) Chicken feet.
(b) Roast beef.
(c) Kidney pie.
(d) Shepherd's pie.

11. What does Baz say he will do as soon as he finds out who killed his mother?
(a) Tell his own father about that person.
(b) Kill that person.
(c) Have Simon kill that person.
(d) Refer the person to the Mage.

12. What is the incident in which Baz was turned into a vampire referred to?
(a) The Watford Reckoning.
(b) The Watford Tragedy.
(c) The Basilton Ten.
(d) The Day of Reckoning.

13. What does Nicodemus learn about Ebb in Chapter 70?
(a) That she already is a vampire.
(b) That she wants to be a vampire.
(c) That she was fired.
(d) That she was arrested by the Mage.

14. What is Baz's 7 year-old sister's name?
(a) Merlin.
(b) Mordelia.
(c) Morganna.
(d) Mortadella.

15. What does Penny bring a plate of to Simon and Baz at Baz's house?
(a) Gingerbread cookies.
(b) Cake.
(c) Stuffing.
(d) Turkey.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Simon tell Penny about their investigation that shocks her in Chapter 65?

2. What spell does Baz use to clear traffic out of his way in Chapter 60?

3. What spell does Baz cast to seal his truce with Simon?

4. What are the most powerful kinds of spells in the magical world?

5. What spell does Simon cast to distract the dragon?

(see the answer keys)

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