Carry On Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rainbow Rowell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Carry On Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rainbow Rowell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Simon apprehensive about seeing Agatha for the first time after break at Watford?
(a) She tried to break up with him during the last term and he is afraid she will ask to break up again.
(b) He saw her holding hands with Baz and was hurt and jealous.
(c) She may have gotten a new puppy and he is allergic to dogs.
(d) She may be getting ready to leave the school.

2. Why did the Mage have to make Simon his heir?
(a) So he would have some money.
(b) So he could do all the dark magic that is usually against the law.
(c) So he could inherit the Mage's sword.
(d) So he could attend Watford.

3. Why does the Mage tell Simon Baz may not have come back to school?
(a) Baz might have found a great job.
(b) Baz may have been kidnapped.
(c) The old families like Baz's might be planning on making a move against the Mage.
(d) Baz might have gotten married and moved away.

4. Why does Penny surmise that Agatha might be interested in Baz in Chapter 28?
(a) Because it is dramatic and romantic to be in love with a vampire.
(b) Because Agatha's family would love Baz.
(c) Because Baz hates Simon, and so does Agatha.
(d) Because Agatha has always liked Baz.

5. What shocking revelation does Baz reveal in the end of Chapter 32?
(a) He kidnapped himself.
(b) He is really the Humdrum.
(c) He is in love with Simon.
(d) He is really the Mage.

6. The second time a woman appears to Simon in Chapter 27, what does she say?
(a) She needs him to cast a spell for her.
(b) She needs him to take a message to the Mage.
(c) She needs him to bury something for her.
(d) She never would have left him.

7. Who is Baz's mother?
(a) Natasha Grimm-Pitch.
(b) Fiona Grimm-Pitch.
(c) Melinda Pitch.
(d) Jennifer Pitch.

8. What happens once every 20 years in the magical world, according to Penny?
(a) A savior comes to speak to them all.
(b) Everyone has a huge celebration.
(c) A new Mage is born.
(d) The veil thins.

9. What does Penny tell Simon about the visitors from behind the veil?
(a) They are harmless.
(b) They are out to hurt people.
(c) They are only allowed to speak in a language other than their native language.
(d) They can only ever come back to appear to the living one time in total.

10. How does Baz react when Agatha approaches him in Chapter 38?
(a) He kisses her.
(b) He tells her he can not be with her because he is a vampire.
(c) He brushes her off.
(d) He tells her to go back to her home with normals and forget about magic.

11. What does the Humdrum create that is dangerous for magicians?
(a) Poison that will kill magicians.
(b) Animals that will eat magicians.
(c) Spells that will paralyze magicians.
(d) Dead spots where no magic can exist.

12. What does the Mage tell Simon he has do to in Chapter 7 that upsets him so much he passes out?
(a) Find his mother for the first time.
(b) Break up with Agatha.
(c) Leave Watford for good.
(d) Kill Baz.

13. Who catches Baz in the Mage's office?
(a) Penny.
(b) Philippa.
(c) Simon.
(d) The Mage.

14. The gates at Watford say that magic separates those within from which of the following?
(a) The drudgery of life.
(b) Consequences.
(c) Hats.
(d) The rest of the world.

15. Who is Simon's girlfriend?
(a) Penny.
(b) Agatha.
(c) Jenny.
(d) Phillipa.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Baz tries to eat the burger Fiona buys him in Chapter 30?

2. What kind of spell did Fiona once cast on Simon?

3. What does Baz notice is strange about the dining hall situation in Chapter 29?

4. What spell did Simon cast on Agatha during sixth year that left her covered in fur?

5. Why is Lucy proud of Davy?

(see the answer keys)

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