Carrie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Carrie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Carrie alone at home?
(a) Her mother is out preaching on the street corner.
(b) Her mother is dead.
(c) Her mother is at work.
(d) Her parents went to town.

2. What is Carrie White doing in her room?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Practicing her abilities.
(c) Reading.
(d) Crying.

3. What does Carrie's mother think of Carrie?
(a) That she is evil.
(b) That she is rebellious.
(c) That she is misguided.
(d) That she is innnocent.

4. Who comes in and whispers to someone on the decorating committee?
(a) Billy Nolan.
(b) Chris Hargensen.
(c) Carrie.
(d) Miss Desjardin.

5. When does Carrie's father die?
(a) Shortly after Carrie is born.
(b) He is still alive.
(c) When Carrie is 10.
(d) When Carrie is 14.

6. Why doesn't Mr. Morton understand the situation?
(a) Because he is a male.
(b) Because he is not listening.
(c) He doesn't care about the situation.
(d) Because Miss Desjardin does not explain it.

7. Why is Billy excited?
(a) At the idea of giving pig's blood to a pig.
(b) At the idea of paying back Tommy.
(c) At the upcoming cookout with the steak he buys.
(d) He is not excited; he's angry.

8. What does Margret White call women's breasts?
(a) Nothing; she won't mention such things.
(b) Sinful mounds.
(c) Dirty pillows.
(d) The twin peaks of hell.

9. What are Sue Snell and other students doing on Wednesday afternoon?
(a) Decorating for the prom.
(b) Having ice cream at the drugstore.
(c) Swimming at the river.
(d) Studying for finals in the library.

10. What does Margret tell her daughter, Carrie?
(a) She is the best daughter she could ever wish for.
(b) She is now a woman.
(c) She is lazy.
(d) She is going through a normal situation.

11. Why does Carrie become hysterical in gym class?
(a) She starts her menstrual cycle and doesn't know what it is.
(b) She breaks her ankle.
(c) The girls put her in a shower and blasted her with cold water.
(d) She breaks her arm.

12. What does Miss Desjardin do to the girls who haze Carrie?
(a) Asks them to apologize.
(b) Puts them on detention.
(c) Silently applauds their behavior.
(d) Talks to them about their behavior.

13. What does Sue Snell suddenly realize?
(a) That Carrie has never had her menstrual cycle before.
(b) That Carrie is almost deaf.
(c) That Carrie is almost blind.
(d) That Carrie is younger than the rest of them.

14. To what school has Chris Hargensen been accepted?
(a) She has not yet been accepted to college.
(b) A very prestigious college.
(c) A community college.
(d) A fairly unknown liberal arts college.

15. What does Sue Snell want Tommy Ross to do?
(a) Ask Chris to the prom.
(b) Ask her to the prom.
(c) Go with her to apologize to Carrie.
(d) Ask Carrie to the prom.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the others think Chris is whispering?

2. What does Carrie say she does not like?

3. From where does the prayer come?

4. What does Tommy tell Sue?

5. What does Billy do?

(see the answer keys)

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