The Caretaker Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Caretaker Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does the owner of the house offer to sell it to?
(a) Davies.
(b) Mick.
(c) Aston.
(d) The neighbor.

2. What is a physical side effect of the treatment Aston receives?
(a) His thought process is slowed.
(b) He is color blind.
(c) He has more aggression.
(d) He has a harder time learning.

3. What happens after Mick lets Davies get off the floor?
(a) Aston comes in and yells at Mick.
(b) They get acquainted.
(c) Davies pulls a knife on Mick.
(d) Mick kicks Davies out.

4. How does Aston react to the treatment he receives for his mental illness?
(a) He is too medicated to resist.
(b) He resists but nobody is there to help him.
(c) When he resists, the doctors only hurt him more.
(d) He submits to the doctors out of respect.

5. How have Aston's social skills changed since his treatment for mental illness?
(a) He spends more time with people.
(b) He does more good deeds.
(c) He doesn't go where there are people.
(d) He is constantly seeking new friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. What will the shed in the backyard be used for?

2. Which character can best be described as belligerent?

3. Who is Mick altruistic toward?

4. Due to his mental illness, where is Aston sent to recover?

5. How many people offer Davies a job in Act II?

(see the answer keys)

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