The Caretaker Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Caretaker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is evidence that the rewards of Aston's good deed are wearing through?
(a) Mick being disrespectful.
(b) Davie's interrupting the restoration of the house.
(c) Davies' constant complaining.
(d) Aston has to buy Davies new clothes.

2. What does Aston begin working on quietly as soon as he gets home and sees that Mick has arrived?
(a) Bathtub.
(b) Stove.
(c) Sink.
(d) Toaster.

3. What treatment was given to Aston for his mental illness?
(a) Sleeping medications.
(b) Lobotomy.
(c) Electroshock therapy.
(d) Brain-numbing medications.

4. What symptom of mental illness does Aston have?
(a) Cutting himself.
(b) Hallucinations.
(c) Hearing voices.
(d) Being violent toward others.

5. Who is Mick altruistic toward?
(a) The neighbor.
(b) Davies.
(c) Nobody.
(d) Aston.

6. What job does Mick offer to Davies?
(a) Mechanic.
(b) Janitor.
(c) Librarian.
(d) Caretaker.

7. Which character is vacuuming the house?
(a) Aston.
(b) Mick.
(c) Davies.
(d) A hired maid.

8. What altruistic deed does Mick perform?
(a) Letting his brother live in his house.
(b) Buying clothes for Davies.
(c) Building a fence for the neighbor.
(d) Fixing up the house for somebody else.

9. How does Mick show that he is the one who owns the house?
(a) By saying so every ten minutes.
(b) By making a show of cleaning it.
(c) By putting a sign outside the house.
(d) By spending time sitting outside and watching others work.

10. What will the shed in the backyard be used for?
(a) A library.
(b) A workshop.
(c) A storage room for the house.
(d) A warehouse.

11. Who does Aston share the story of his mental illness with?
(a) Mick.
(b) The audience.
(c) A restaurant owner.
(d) Davies.

12. Which word best describes Aston?
(a) Energetic.
(b) Extroverted.
(c) Introverted.
(d) Stupid.

13. What solution to the window problem does Davies turn down?
(a) Hanging up a sheet.
(b) Putting more blankets on.
(c) Switching ends of the bed.
(d) Turning on a fan and closing the window.

14. When does Aston begin to have second thoughts about taking in Davies?
(a) He doesn't.
(b) Act I.
(c) Act III.
(d) Act II.

15. What kind of business does Mick own?
(a) Internet.
(b) Cafe.
(c) Restaurant.
(d) Construction.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Aston most likely get his money?

2. What is part of the job description that Aston offers Davies?

3. How does Mick feel about Davies in Act II?

4. Who does Davies pull a knife on in order to protect himself?

5. Which character can be best described as devious?

(see the answer keys)

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