Cards on the Table Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cards on the Table Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is different about the reference that Poirot makes compared to the conversation he is having with Mrs. Lorrimer?
(a) It is so subtle that it escapes detection.
(b) It has not been revealed.
(c) It requires a lot of knowledge.
(d) It can only be understood by a murderer.

2. Who is described as a "man-hungry" female, according to Dr. Roberts' secretary?
(a) Miss Burgess.
(b) Miss Graves.
(c) Mrs. Craddock.
(d) Mrs. Oliver.

3. How does the second interview go?
(a) Ends abruptly.
(b) It is delayed.
(c) More quickly than the first.
(d) More slowly than the first.

4. What does Shaitana say that doctors have?
(a) Good luck.
(b) Special opportunities.
(c) Plenty of money.
(d) Plenty of resources.

5. What is Mrs. Lorrimer able to remember very accurately from the night of the murder?
(a) Every card.
(b) Every object in the room.
(c) Every person's conversation.
(d) Every person's clothing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the sleuths lack when they ask to search through the doctor's files?

2. What does Poirot think about Mrs. Lorrimer's playing?

3. How many times did Dr. Roberts leave his table on the night of the murder?

4. How does Poirot intend on getting a psychological profile on murder suspects?

5. Who thought she was poisoned by her family, according to Dr. Roberts' secretary?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Mrs. Lorrimer protect Miss Meredith? Explain with details from the text.

2. What seems inconsistent to Poirot with Mrs. Lorrimer's apparent suicide?

3. Why does Rhoda call upon Mrs. Oliver?

4. What does Shaitana do that is shocking and bizarre?

5. What does the reference of "walking into the cage of a tiger" seem to imply?

6. Describe Major Despard.

7. What does Mrs. Lorrimer say about the behavior of men versus women that night at Shaitana's party?

8. Describe Hercule Poirot.

9. Describe Rhoda Dawes.

10. How does Poirot outwit the doctor and get more information out of Dr. Roberts than he wants to give?

(see the answer keys)

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