Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How many windows of the house are lit in Chapter 9?
2. How many tickets does the master of Caraval send Scarlett?
3. In Chapter 10, what color dress does Scarlett remember her grandmother said she wore during Caraval once?
4. What color is the sand on Del Ojos Beach?
5. What necklace and bracelets does Scarlett remember in Chapter 5 that her grandmother wore when she told them about Caraval?
Short Essay Questions
1. What information does a person named Rupert give Scarlett and Julian in Chapter 10?
2. In Chapter 2, where does Scarlett find her sister Donatella?
3. In Chapter 7, what do Scarlett and Julian see when the forest ends?
4. What does Scarlett know about the man she is to marry?
5. What does Nigel tell Scarlett about winning the game and finding her sister?
6. What is Julian's condition when he returns in Chapter 17, and how was he injured?
7. What does Scarlett see in Tella room in Chapter 13?
8. In Chapter 12, why does Scarlett end up sleeping in the hall?
9. In Chapter 7, what does Scarlett's dress from Legend look like before and after she puts it on?
10. What does the Castillo Maldito look like?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Scarlett realizes that Julian is lying and manipulating her. How does Scarlett realize that Julian is lying and manipulating her? Why does she play the game with him if she knows he is not trustworthy?
Essay Topic 2
Scarlett and Tella’s mother, Paloma, disappears. How does her disappearance and absence affect Scarlett and Tella’s lives?
Essay Topic 3
Verisimilitude ensures that even a story that is fantasy is rooted in reality and plausible. How does Garber create a believable world in Caraval?
This section contains 793 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |