Caramelo, or, Puro Cuento Test | Final Test - Medium

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Caramelo, or, Puro Cuento Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the Awful Grandmother tell Celaya she needs injections?
(a) Because she is too fat.
(b) To get shiny hair.
(c) Because she looks like a boy.
(d) To get rid of her wrinkles.

2. Who takes care of the Grandmother during her illness?
(a) Celaya.
(b) Celestina.
(c) Inocencio.
(d) Zoila.

3. Why does Narciso need surgery?
(a) He has a heart problem.
(b) He has a collapsed lung.
(c) He broke his knee.
(d) He was shot.

4. With whom had Inocencio had an affair at one time?
(a) Anna Maria.
(b) Eileen.
(c) Amparo.
(d) Carlotta.

5. Who takes Soledad's part and stands up for her in the story?
(a) Eleuterio.
(b) Narciso.
(c) Regina.
(d) Jiminez.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose ghost does Celaya see when she visits her father?

2. What does Narciso do when he travels so much for work?

3. Who does Inocencio marry?

4. What illness besets Inocencio?

5. How does Inocencio manage to escape from prison?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Celaya want to leave school and what is her father's response to her idea?

2. Even though they both had behaved inappropriately, how did Narciso save Inocencio from a fate similar to his own?

3. What secret about Inocencio does Zoila tell Celaya when Inocencio is in the hospital after a heart attack?

4. What lie did Narciso tell about his three missing ribs and what is the truth of the story?

5. What are the emotional reasons that Soledad hates Celaya?

6. Who is Ernie and what role does he play in Celaya's life?

7. What major purchase does Inocencio make without consulting Zoila and how does she react when she learns about it?

8. Describe the glittering growth in Mexico in 1910.

9. What is Narciso's relationship with Soledad when they begin having sex?

10. What were the "Ten Tragic Days"?

(see the answer keys)

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