Caramelo, or, Puro Cuento Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Caramelo, or, Puro Cuento Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is the Awful Grandmother angry at Celaya's mother?
(a) She flirted with the neighbor man.
(b) She wrecked the family car.
(c) She tore the silk rebozo.
(d) She ate at a restaurant.

2. Every year Celaya forgets about the stark differences in ______________ in the U.S. and Mexico.
(a) the food.
(b) the climate.
(c) the music.
(d) the scenery.

3. What is the Grandfather's name?
(a) Pasquale.
(b) Paulo.
(c) Oscar.
(d) Narciso.

4. What does the Grandmother say about Zoira to Inocencia?
(a) She is better fit to raise the kids than Zoira is.
(b) Zoira needs psychological help.
(c) He picked a wonderful woman to be his wife.
(d) He must choose between his mother or his wife.

5. Which of Celaya's cousins seems to always get upset at the family gatherings?
(a) Cecile.
(b) Antonieta.
(c) Penelope.
(d) Maria.

Short Answer Questions

1. The Awful Grandmother's mother was able to create _____________ like no one else could.

2. To what does Celaya compare the color of the skin of Candelaria?

3. Which one of Celaya's brothers was left in Mexico to attend military school?

4. Whose birthday does the Grandmother make arrangements to celebrate?

5. What did Soledad accidentally call Narciso when they first met?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the Awful Grandmother's life after her mother died.

2. Describe Mother's hysterical fit in the car in Acapulco.

3. Why is the girl, Candelaria, pressed into service for the Grandmother?

4. How did Soledad find the man she would marry?

5. How was Senora Regina both kind and cruel to Soledad?

6. How is the Grandmother conflicted by what she wants for her family and what she is physically able to provide?

7. Who is Antonieta Araceli and how do the cousins upset her?

8. Why is Candelaria removed from the Reyes home?

9. To what location did Celaya's family travel each year and why did they travel as a family?

10. Why does Celaya's afternoon out with her mother turn into a family crisis?

(see the answer keys)

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