Caramelo, or, Puro Cuento Test | Final Test - Easy

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Caramelo, or, Puro Cuento Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who talks the boy in #157 out of marrying Celaya?
(a) Zoila.
(b) A priest.
(c) Inocencio.
(d) Soledad.

2. The Awful Grandmother's stories are all about _________________________.
(a) her dreams of a better life for her family.
(b) her dead husband.
(c) her love of cooking.
(d) making people feel sorry for her.

3. Who wants Narciso to marry Soledad?
(a) Maria.
(b) Eleuterio.
(c) Paulo.
(d) Marcus.

4. What happens to Narciso one day as he is walking home?
(a) He is robbed.
(b) He meets another girl.
(c) He is almost shot by soldiers.
(d) He falls into a ditch.

5. Whose ghost does Celaya see when she visits her father?
(a) Eduardo's.
(b) The Grandmother's.
(c) The little Grandfather's.
(d) Regina's.

6. Who is Soledad's daughter?
(a) Fina.
(b) Cecile.
(c) Ignacia.
(d) Isabel.

7. Who is the friend who takes Celaya under her wing?
(a) Celeste.
(b) Martina.
(c) Viva.
(d) Isabel.

8. What stipulation comes along with the purchase in #137?
(a) Grandmother will live with the family.
(b) High interest payments.
(c) Long hours of work.
(d) Family budget cuts.

9. Why does Eleuterio not approve of the relationship Narciso has with a girl in the city in #94?
(a) She has a child.
(b) She is half black.
(c) She is too young.
(d) She was married before.

10. Why does the Awful Grandmother tell Celaya she needs injections?
(a) Because she is too fat.
(b) To get shiny hair.
(c) To get rid of her wrinkles.
(d) Because she looks like a boy.

11. How did Zoila consider killing the Grandmother?
(a) Poisoning her food.
(b) Pushing her down the stairs.
(c) Taking away her oxygen.
(d) Smothering her with a pillow.

12. Who attended Soledad when she delivered her baby?
(a) Narciso.
(b) A doctor.
(c) A midwife.
(d) Regina.

13. What does Zoila have the kids do on the day the Grandmother dies?
(a) Stay home from school.
(b) Open all the windows to let out the smell.
(c) Say the rosary.
(d) Go to church.

14. What does Soledad throw at Inocencio when they argue?
(a) A shoe.
(b) A pan.
(c) A rock.
(d) A newspaper.

15. Where did Narciso live during the Mexican revolution?
(a) Detroit.
(b) Mexico City.
(c) Acapulco.
(d) Chicago.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what city does the family move?

2. In what year did the Mexican revolution begin?

3. Who takes care of the Grandmother during her illness?

4. What does the Grandmother think is wrong with the neighborhoods where she could afford to buy a house in Chicago?

5. To what did Soledad's child devote his time?

(see the answer keys)

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