Canyons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Canyons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the men with Brennan's mother sound about Brennan running there in a day and a night?
(a) Indifferent.
(b) Skeptical.
(c) Curious.
(d) Impressed.

2. What kind of officials are standing with Brennan's mother?
(a) A National Forest Ranger.
(b) A city policeman.
(c) Two sheriffs.
(d) Two highway patroll officers.

3. Who does Brennan decide to ask to learn more about the skull?
(a) His mother.
(b) Mr. Homesley.
(c) Bill.
(d) Stony.

4. What does Brennan hear in the night after he falls down?
(a) Soldiers.
(b) Voices.
(c) Horses running.
(d) A rattle snake.

5. How does Brennan elude the men chasing him?
(a) Hiding under a boulder.
(b) Buried in the sand.
(c) Going into a cave they were too big to enter.
(d) Up an old Apache climbing path.

6. What does Brennan think is the nationality of the soldiers who chased Coyote Runs?
(a) Swedish.
(b) Irish.
(c) Scottish.
(d) British.

7. What does Mr. Homesley say about Brennan going into the canyon alone?
(a) He might get hurt.
(b) He'll be fine.
(c) He is being guided by a dead Indian.
(d) Someone should go with him.

8. From what band of Apaches was Coyote Runs?
(a) Canyon Mesa band.
(b) Table Mesa band.
(c) Horse Mesa band.
(d) Swift Run bank

9. What does Mr. Homesley call the mixture he and Tibbets used in Vietnam?
(a) A Murphy drip.
(b) A speedy cocktail.
(c) Viet Nam taiti.
(d) Black gold.

10. What is the first reason Brennan gives his mother for not telling her about the skull?
(a) All the kids were there.
(b) He was afraid she would faint.
(c) He didn't think it was any of her business.
(d) He forgot about it.

11. What does Amelia Gephart ask the commanding officer to tell her?
(a) If Coyote Runs was killed and where.
(b) In what canyon was the body buried.
(c) If he was an adult.
(d) If he actually had a gun.

12. In what does Brennan carry the skull to Dr. Tibbets?
(a) It was wrapped in a towel.
(b) A tennis shoe box.
(c) His mother's hat box.
(d) His backpack.

13. How does Brennan see where he is going when night falls?
(a) There are streetlights on the highway.
(b) He had a flashlight.
(c) The moon is completely full.
(d) The moon and stars.

14. How does Brennan feel about the dark as he is running?
(a) It is a friend.
(b) It is scary.
(c) It is an enemy.
(d) It is exciting.

15. Why does Mr. Homesley have so much electronic equipment in his house?
(a) He's a ham radio operator.
(b) For his music hobby.
(c) He repairs electronics as a side business.
(d) His wife is an engineer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of body does Mr. Homesley have?

2. What does Brennan begin to have in Chapter 11?

3. Why do the newspapers in the boxes look old to Brennan?

4. What does the voice tell him when it told him to stop?

5. What does Dr. Tibbets offer Brennan to drink?

(see the answer keys)

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