Canyons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Canyons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Brennan fear will happen to the skull if the police get it?
(a) It will be thrown back in the wrong canyon.
(b) It will be destroyed.
(c) It will be thrown in the landfill.
(d) It will be displayed in a museum.

2. What does Mr. Homesley call the mixture he and Tibbets used in Vietnam?
(a) A Murphy drip.
(b) A speedy cocktail.
(c) Black gold.
(d) Viet Nam taiti.

3. What kind of environmental conditions d0 patrol reports write about?
(a) Cool and dry.
(b) Dust and heat.
(c) Cold and rainy.
(d) Hot and wet.

4. What color is the place in question #121?
(a) White.
(b) Tan.
(c) Green
(d) Black.

5. Where does Brennan leave Coyote Runs' skull?
(a) At the medicine place.
(b) With the rest of his skeleton.
(c) Under a rock in the cave.
(d) Where he found it.

6. What does Brennan ask his mother at the breakfast table on Friday?
(a) If he can go back up to the camping place.
(b) If crazy people can know they are going crazy.
(c) If he can spend the weekend with the Homesleys.
(d) If she is going to be with Bill that weekend.

7. What kind of officials are standing with Brennan's mother?
(a) Two sheriffs.
(b) A National Forest Ranger.
(c) Two highway patroll officers.
(d) A city policeman.

8. What does Brennan get to eat at a convenience store?
(a) Soda and chips.
(b) Water and bread.
(c) Granola bars and water.
(d) Energy drinks and beef jerky.

9. What does Mr. Homesley do in the military?
(a) Medic in Vietnam.
(b) Teacher.
(c) Military historian.
(d) Lab technician.

10. What is Brennan convinced of regarding the skull?
(a) It was his in another incarnation.
(b) It belonged to someone young.
(c) It belongs to a girl.
(d) It is the skull of a white soldier.

11. Why is Brennan not supposed to take things from the canyons?
(a) It was an Indian burial grounds.
(b) It could be a crime area.
(c) It is National Forest Land.
(d) It is a State Preserve.

12. Where do Mr. Homesley and Brennan take the skull?
(a) To the school.
(b) To the police station.
(c) To the morgue.
(d) To the library.

13. What does Brennan think drove the west forward?
(a) Violence.
(b) Excitement.
(c) Fear.
(d) Greed.

14. Why do ranchers take their families to El Paso?
(a) They fear the Indians.
(b) So the kids could attend school.
(c) To sell to the soldiers.
(d) For the weekly dances.

15. Why hasn't Brennan called the police or told his mother about the skull?
(a) He doesn't want his mother to punish him.
(b) When he tries there is too much pressure in his head.
(c) He thinks it is cool to have a skull.
(d) He is afraid he broke the law.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Brennan do with the skull to check out his theory on it?

2. What does Mr. Homesley say about Brennan going into the canyon alone?

3. What does Brennan think is the nationality of the soldiers who chased Coyote Runs?

4. What does the voice in Brennan's head tell him to do for water?

5. What is Brennan's mother wearing?

(see the answer keys)

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