Canyons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Canyons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of horse does Coyote Runs ride on the way home?
(a) A sorrel.
(b) A palomino.
(c) A pinto.
(d) A white horse.

2. Who ran the school Coyote Runs attended?
(a) The Indian Council.
(b) A Catholic Priest.
(c) A Quaker lady.
(d) A School teacher from the east.

3. What does Brennan recognize about the skull?
(a) It is an adult skull.
(b) The teeth are very bad.
(c) It has a bullet hole in it.
(d) It is very new.

4. What ethnicity are the ranchers the party raided?
(a) Spanish.
(b) Mexican.
(c) Navajo.
(d) Apache.

5. What is the name of the warrior who leads raiding parties?
(a) Raven.
(b) Sancta.
(c) Tuton.
(d) Heron.

6. What is Coyote Runs' job on the raid?
(a) Cook the meals.
(b) Make arrows.
(c) Fetch firewood and water.
(d) Take care of the extra horses.

7. What does Brennan's employer like to talk about?
(a) He talks about money.
(b) He talks about his family.
(c) He talks about his girlfriend.
(d) He doesn't talk.

8. What kind of weapon does Coyote Runs have?
(a) None.
(b) A knife.
(c) A tomahawk.
(d) A gun.

9. Where did Brennan lose a man who was dating his mother when the man went running with him?
(a) Mount Franklin.
(b) Canyon de Diablo.
(c) Canyon de Blanco.
(d) The desert.

10. With whom does Coyote Runs catch up?
(a) The soldiers.
(b) Magpie.
(c) The Ranchers.
(d) Sancta.

11. What does the event in question #1 mark for Coyote Runs?
(a) First step into manhood.
(b) The ritual killing of his first deer.
(c) Joining his father's family.
(d) Finding out his inner name.

12. What does Brennan like to do for fun?
(a) Collect rocks.
(b) Run.
(c) Paint.
(d) Basketball.

13. What makes Coyote Runs slow as he goes into the canyon?
(a) There are large boulders he has to climb.
(b) It is flooded.
(c) His injury.
(d) There is no path.

14. What does the soldier who shoots Coyote Runs do as he pulls the trigger?
(a) Jokes with his companions.
(b) Lectures him on stealing.
(c) Prays for him.
(d) Closes his eyes.

15. What did Brennan think was the reason the kids were so bad?
(a) They lived on the streets.
(b) They were just young.
(c) Bill was too nice.
(d) They came from broken homes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Brennan think about how his mother talks?

2. What does Brennan take with him when he goes to his sleeping bag?

3. What does Brennan do when he can't sleep?

4. What does Brennan do for the person in question #14?

5. What does Brennan's mother tell him in Chapter 4 when he arrives home?

(see the answer keys)

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