Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who murdered the woman who caused the blood stain?
2. What is found in the library after the storm?
3. What is the name of Mr. Otis's only daughter?
4. How old is Mr. Otis's daughter?
5. Who tells Mr. Otis not to buy the house at the beginning of the book?
Short Essay Questions
1. How is the ghost maintaining the bloodstain in the library?
2. What happens on September 19?
3. Why does Lord Canterville refuse to take the jewels that the ghost gave Virginia?
4. What does Mr. Otis do when the ghost's chains wake him up?
5. What happens during the funeral for the ghost?
6. What does Mrs. Umney say when she wakes from her faint?
7. Why is Virginia so upset when the ghost kept reapplying the bloodstain in the library?
8. What does Washington do after admitting that the ghost is real?
9. How does the ghost plan to fulfill his duties after his Friday night plans fail?
10. What are the names of the Otis children? What does this signify?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Fear is a major motivating factor for a number of characters in this book. Which characters are most affected by this? What are some of the different ways this fear is manifested?
Essay Topic 2
There are many secrets made, kept, and divulged in this book. What are some of these secrets? How does their placement in the plot affect the course of the plot and the characters involved in the secrets?
Essay Topic 3
Protection is a strong theme in this story. Where does this theme appear? Which characters are most affected by the presence of this theme?
This section contains 754 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |