Cane Test | Final Test - Easy

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Cane Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At what point does the woman's soul leave her in "Calling Jesus"?
(a) When she awakes.
(b) When she sleeps with men.
(c) When she comes home at night.
(d) When she goes to work.

2. In "Portrait in Georgia", of what does the breath of the woman described breath smell?
(a) Smoke.
(b) Flowers.
(c) Honey.
(d) Cane.

3. What is the best description of the storm in "Storm Ending"?
(a) Quiet.
(b) Muddled.
(c) Piercing.
(d) Loud.

4. After comparing his soul to a little finger, how does the speaker then describe this body part?
(a) Frail.
(b) Immovable.
(c) Small.
(d) Resilient.

5. What is the physical stature of the woman described in "Portrait in Georgia"?
(a) Fat.
(b) Gangly.
(c) Slim.
(d) Muscular.

6. At what age, do we find the woman described in "Portrait in Georgia"?
(a) Old age.
(b) As a teenager.
(c) As a child.
(d) Middle age.

7. What does Dorris do in the theater?
(a) Acts.
(b) Bartends.
(c) Sings.
(d) Dances.

8. Where do Louisa and Bob meet secretly?
(a) In the plantation house.
(b) In Louisa's house.
(c) In the factory.
(d) At cane break.

9. Where would the drone bee optimally be if he were not in the beehive?
(a) Flying in the sky.
(b) In the city.
(c) Near a pond.
(d) On a flower.

10. Which character in "Blood-Burning Moon" is a plantation owner?
(a) Grant Rogers.
(b) Bob Stone.
(c) Frank Smith.
(d) Levi Williams.

11. What is the name of the keeper of the boarding house in which Muriel lives?
(a) Mrs. Pribby.
(b) Mrs. Peabody.
(c) Lauryl Hawkins.
(d) Kate Flannery.

12. What event has just happened preceding the descriptions in "Seventh Street"?
(a) Abolition of slavery.
(b) World War II.
(c) Civil Rights Movement.
(d) World War I.

13. In "Storm Ending", to what is the thunder compared?
(a) An explosion.
(b) A drum.
(c) A flower.
(d) A dog's howl.

14. In "Calling Jesus," when does the dog of the woman described nuzzle up to the speaker?
(a) When she is sad.
(b) When she tells it to.
(c) When she forgets about her life.
(d) When she feels calm.

15. Who is Paul's roommate?
(a) Rhobert.
(b) Tate.
(c) Art.
(d) Sam.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Beehive", where does the Earth fit into the universal honeycomb?

2. Who can save the woman described in "Calling Jesus"?

3. What is the last image of the storm in "Storm Ending"?

4. In what game do Bona and Paul touch?

5. What wish is expressed by the speaker in "Beehive"?

(see the answer keys)

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