Cane Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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Cane Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 28 "Bona and Paul".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the speaker in "Harvest Song"?
(a) A politician.
(b) A city dweller.
(c) A plantation owner.
(d) A field worker.

2. After her first baby was born, how did the townspeople react towards Becky?
(a) They adopted the child.
(b) They threw Becky a baby shower.
(c) They shunned Becky.
(d) They offered assistance to Becky.

3. At what age, do we find the woman described in "Portrait in Georgia"?
(a) As a child.
(b) Old age.
(c) Middle age.
(d) As a teenager.

4. Of what are scythes made?
(a) Wood.
(b) Stone.
(c) Steel.
(d) Gold.

5. Who does Dan compare himself to when he makes the exclamation in the theater?
(a) A slave.
(b) Jesus.
(c) Muriel.
(d) Moses.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of songs are being sung in the cotton fields by field workers in "Georgia Dusk"?

2. Washington is described as primarily what ethnic make-up?

3. "Prayer" deals with the thematic tug and pull between what two issues?

4. What type of bee is the speaker in "Beehive"?

5. How are the eyebrows of the old woman described in "Face" shaped?

(see the answer key)

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