Cane River Test | Final Test - Easy

Lalita Tademy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cane River Test | Final Test - Easy

Lalita Tademy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Philomene plan to do concerning Narcisse?
(a) Lie ot him.
(b) Curse him.
(c) Ignore him.
(d) Control him.

2. What is said of Valery Houbre's children?
(a) They died with the fever also.
(b) He has no children.
(c) They miss their mother who is dead.
(d) They are both young adults.

3. What do Joseph's cousins assume when they come to live with him and Emily?
(a) That Emily is their servant.
(b) That Joseph is looking for a wife.
(c) That Emily's family are all dead.
(d) That Emily has bewitched Joseph

4. What year does Narcisse decide to join the war effort?
(a) 1862.
(b) 1863.
(c) 1867.
(d) 1861.

5. How much money does Narcisse have to pay to be draft exempt?
(a) There is no way to buy out of the draft.
(b) 2,000 dollars.
(c) 1,000 dollars.
(d) 500 dollars.

6. Of what does Oreline seem afraid when talking to Philomene in Chapter 17?
(a) Clement fleeing for the North.
(b) Philomene killing herself and her children.
(c) Suzette.
(d) Philomene.

7. For what is Oreline unprepared?
(a) The new baby about to be born.
(b) The torrential rains.
(c) The harvest season.
(d) Her husband's death.

8. How do Augustine's letters change over a six-month period?
(a) From glorious descriptions to bitter.
(b) From homesick to hardened.
(c) From saying he is always tired to saying he is fit.
(d) From hopeful to pessimistic.

9. What is the significance of the dinner for Emily and her guest?
(a) It is Suzette's birthday.
(b) It is Emily's birthday.
(c) It signifies that she and her guest are in an official relationship.
(d) It is the anniversary of the ending of the civil war.

10. What last name does Elisabeth choose?
(a) Jones.
(b) Smith.
(c) Jackson.
(d) Lincoln.

11. Of what does Narcisse say Emily will not be forgiven?
(a) For refusing to marry who Narcisse wants her to marry.
(b) For insulting his future wife.
(c) For refusing to sit in the presence of his white children.
(d) For forgetting her place.

12. With whom does Narcisse say Suzette can be placed?
(a) With Narcisse's brother.
(b) Narcisse recommends not selling Suzette.
(c) With a family in Virginia.
(d) Narcisse recommends freeing Suzette.

13. What is the main goal Philomene and Oreline have while Valery is gone?
(a) To protect the children.
(b) To buy back all the slaves that were sold.
(c) To protect the farm from marauders.
(d) To produce enough cotton for uniforms.

14. What is Valery Houbre's occupation?
(a) School teacher.
(b) Soldier.
(c) Preacher.
(d) Blacksmith.

15. What does Philomene want Joseph to do in Chapter 33?
(a) Take better care of Emily.
(b) Give more money to helping former slaves.
(c) Not be ashamed to take Emily in public.
(d) Give more attention to his children.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Antoine Morat?

2. What is the result of Oreline and Philomene being left alone on the farm?

3. With what mentality does Emily think the older women in her family live?

4. What does Emily admit concerning Elisabeth?

5. What does Philomene say about Emily in Chapter 21?

(see the answer keys)

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