Cancer Ward Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cancer Ward Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tells the women physicians that he is ready to go home, as he often tells them during his time on the ward?
(a) Dyomka.
(b) Pavel.
(c) Oleg.
(d) Vadim.

2. What does Yefrem decide he needs to tell all of the patients on the ward as a part of his life's mission?
(a) They are all a part of the system.
(b) He is going to die.
(c) They are being told lies.
(d) They are going to die.

3. Vera remembers another patient just like Pavel who had accused her of trying to __________ him when he was in the ward.
(a) Hit.
(b) Kiss.
(c) Poison.
(d) Treat.

4. Vera is more concerned about ________, so she decides to spend more time with him than usual.
(a) Dyomka.
(b) Pavel.
(c) Yefrem.
(d) Oleg.

5. The nurse tells Kapa that there is no possibility for ___________ in the hospital, even though they might be more important than others.
(a) Screening.
(b) Private care.
(c) Assistance.
(d) Medication.

6. What is Zoya studying in the book when she is talking with the other patients?
(a) Obstetrics.
(b) Breathing.
(c) Tumors.
(d) Injuries.

7. What is the form of government that is in place at the time of the Soviet Union in the story?
(a) Facist.
(b) None.
(c) Democratic.
(d) Communist.

8. What does Vadim feel he has to contribute to the world during his short time on the planet?
(a) His smile.
(b) His laugh.
(c) Nothing.
(d) A scientific discovery.

9. Where is Pavel told to go to when he answers the phone as a part of his dream?
(a) Supreme Court.
(b) Cancer ward.
(c) Home.
(d) Jail.

10. Who looks at the patients with contempt and refuses to learn more about them?
(a) Oleg.
(b) Zoya.
(c) Pavel.
(d) Dontsova.

11. Nellya is a(n) _________ who only does a part of her job, choosing instead to take a nap in the middle of her shift.
(a) Doctor.
(b) Dietician.
(c) Nurse.
(d) Orderly.

12. Yefrem is described as feeling his _______ receding as a part of the disease he is faced with in the story.
(a) Memories.
(b) Connections.
(c) Family.
(d) Spirit.

13. The surgeon tells Proshka that she will explain his _________ to him before his discharge from the cancer ward.
(a) Home life.
(b) Certificates.
(c) Boundaries.
(d) Medications.

14. Vera learns there will be an ________ the next day so the hospital staff needs to put away anything that was not a part of what was issued to the hospital.
(a) Interrogation.
(b) Inspection.
(c) Intern.
(d) Investigator.

15. How does Zoya get to her job at the hospital ward, according to the story?
(a) By foot.
(b) Her car.
(c) A friend drives her.
(d) Trolley.

Short Answer Questions

1. Someone wanted to throw Oleg out of the hospital because he was not from ________, according to his recollection.

2. Yefrem doesn't listen to Pavel because he is thinking more about his _________ than anything else.

3. Oleg feels very ______ when he is talking with Zoya openly and honestly.

4. What does Oleg believe Zoya looks like when she takes off her nurse's cap?

5. Pavel and his wife claim to ______ people, but they do not want to be too close to them at the same time.

(see the answer keys)

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