Call Us What We Carry Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Amanda Gorman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Call Us What We Carry Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Amanda Gorman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "& So," how does grief leave when it goes?
(a) With a bang.
(b) With sadness.
(c) Softly.
(d) With joy.

2. In "Fugue," what do we truly mean when we say goodbye?
(a) Let us be able to say hello again.
(b) We are always alone.
(c) We will not meet again.
(d) We need better friends.

3. In "Cordage, or Atonement," what did we have to be to be part of the living?
(a) Be loving of it.
(b) Be mindful of it.
(c) Be apart from it.
(d) Be wary of it.

4. In "Fugue," how do we fall into the news?
(a) With longing.
(b) With happiness.
(c) Head-first, dread-first.
(d) With angst.

5. In "The Shallows," how does Gorman describe us?
(a) Suspicious.
(b) Happy.
(c) Touch-deficient and light-starved.
(d) Sad.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Fugue," what flickers in and out of our vision?

2. In "Lucent," what is the most beautiful star?

3. In "Cut," what is there no simple way to do?

4. In "What We Did in the Time Being," what is one think people do?

5. In "Pan," what does pandemonium mean?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Gorman say would be a blessing for our children in the poem "What We Did in the Time Being"?

2. In "Pan," what does "Pandora" mean?

3. In "& So," how does Gorman describe grief?

4. In "Cordage, or Atonement," what words does Gorman use two different spellings of and play with, though they are pronounced the same?

5. What is harder than harping in "& So"?

6. In "Lucent," what does Gorman say are the brightest parts of us?

7. What does Gorman say has happened to the people in "Lighthouse" even though they have never met?

8. In "Call Us," what does Gorman say about half of our bodies at times?

9. What is "School's Out" about?

10. How does Gorman play with the idea of homesickness in the poem "There's No Power Like Home"?

(see the answer keys)

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