Call Us What We Carry Test | Final Test - Easy

Amanda Gorman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Call Us What We Carry Test | Final Test - Easy

Amanda Gorman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Donohue Family Ledgers," what can our common era tell?
(a) When a person wins.
(b) When a person loses.
(c) Who a person was.
(d) What a person does.

2. What does Plummer say whites do not love in "The Soldiers (or Plummer)"?
(a) Eating.
(b) Mixing.
(c) Playing.
(d) Sharing.

3. In "[Ours]," who does the writer write of handing right respect to?
(a) Whites.
(b) Negroes.
(c) Priests.
(d) Nuns.

4. In "Report on Migration of Roes," what is "panpax" a meshing of?
(a) The Greek prefix -pan and the Latin word -pax, meaning peace.
(b) Panning and paxing.
(c) Pans and pots.
(d) Panwalla and paxripe.

5. In "War: What, Is It Good?" what is the body?
(a) A suit.
(b) A walking chaos of meat & bones.
(c) A fine art.
(d) A friend.

6. In "The Soldiers (or Plummer)" what is ever promised in this one-chance life?
(a) Jobs.
(b) Everything.
(c) Love.
(d) Nothing.

7. In "Libations," what do we listen to?
(a) The friends.
(b) The family.
(c) The neighbors.
(d) The past, the pain, the pandem.

8. In "_ _ _ _ _ [Gated]," why is it so hard for privileged groups to follow restrictions of place & personhood?
(a) Doing so means finding ways to eat more.
(b) Doing so means making less money.
(c) Doing so means find ways to become even more powerful.
(d) Doing so means wearing the chains the power of the privileged have shackled on the rest of us.

9. In "Displacement," what are we taught differs in physics?
(a) Speed and weight.
(b) Displacement and distance.
(c) Rivers and seas.
(d) Right and wrong.

10. In "The Soldiers (or Plummer)" what does Plummer say is "action"?
(a) Joining the weaponry of our hands.
(b) Writing.
(c) Loving.
(d) Winning.

11. In "Roses," what are the "we" in the poem sick of?
(a) Finding enemies.
(b) Fighting.
(c) Dying.
(d) Finding friends.

12. In "Cecilia," what was the sick never?
(a) One someone.
(b) Definable.
(c) Contagious.
(d) True.

13. In "War: What, Is It Good?" what is our medal of honor?
(a) The medal.
(b) The food.
(c) The mask.
(d) The jokes.

14. In "The Soldiers (or Plummer)" what are eliminated on 1/29/19?
(a) Pills.
(b) Flu masks.
(c) Warm pants.
(d) Socks.

15. What is the scourge in "Cecilia"?
(a) To tell the death of Cecilia.
(b) To find grief.
(c) The find peace.
(d) To tell the church of the flood.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Cecilia," what do we want to feel?

2. In "The Truth In One Nation," what is a luxury?

3. In "Erasure," what does the pen do?

4. In "War: What, Is It Good?" what did the British pioneer during WWI?

5. In "Fury & Faith," what do we owe to the fallen?

(see the answer keys)

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