Call It Sleep Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Call It Sleep Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What story does David read from a blue book after the incident with the group of boys at the trolley rails?
(a) Isaiah and the coal.
(b) David and Goliath.
(c) The Ten Commandments.
(d) Job.

2. Who is Mrs. Mink?
(a) Leo's mother.
(b) Luter's fiancee.
(c) David's teacher.
(d) Yussie's mother.

3. When Luter comes over while Albert is away, what does Genya realize about Luter?
(a) Luter wants to have an affair with her.
(b) Luter is lonely.
(c) Luter is in love with Albert.
(d) Luter plans to kidnap David.

4. Who has never seen David before David arrives in New York?
(a) David's grandmother.
(b) Bertha.
(c) Albert.
(d) Genya.

5. When Genya was young, who did she have an affair with?
(a) A rabbi.
(b) A rich Jewish man.
(c) A Buddhist.
(d) A goy church organist.

6. Who is dousing all the small fires set to burn the chumitz?
(a) A mail man.
(b) A policeman.
(c) A fireman.
(d) A street cleaner.

7. Why does David kick Yussie and give him a bloody nose?
(a) Yussie kicks him first.
(b) Yussie teases David about Annie.
(c) Yussie calls Genya ugly.
(d) Yussie hits him with a hanger.

8. How does Albert treat Nathan when he came to dinner?
(a) He is very kind.
(b) He insults Nathan openly.
(c) He is welcoming.
(d) He barely acknowledges Nathan.

9. Why does Luter stop coming to the Shearl's for dinner?
(a) He has an argument with Albert.
(b) He is going to a marriage broker.
(c) Genya slaps him.
(d) He overhears Genya calling him ugly.

10. What new thing for David is included in dinner when Luter first comes to visit?
(a) Conversation.
(b) Pork.
(c) Table manners.
(d) Dinner rolls.

11. Why was Genya's father determined to marry her off?
(a) He wanted the best for her.
(b) He wanted her husband to take care of her.
(c) He and his wife wanted to be alone.
(d) She was "ruined."

12. What frightens David most about the thought of death?
(a) Not seeing his mother.
(b) Being cold.
(c) Going to Hell.
(d) Being buried in the earth forever.

13. Where does David go to burn the chumitz?
(a) The East River.
(b) The roof.
(c) The harbor.
(d) The ally.

14. A chumitz is a Passover tradition to burn what?
(a) A bowl of oil.
(b) A candle.
(c) Bread.
(d) A wooden spoon.

15. What is David's reaction when he sees a funeral procession for the first time?
(a) David is excited.
(b) David is curious.
(c) David is frightened.
(d) David is sad.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of job does Albert look for after he leaves his job at Dolman's Press?

2. What does David do to earn a penny from an old woman?

3. Who is Joe Luter?

4. Where is Luter from?

5. What do the boys want to cause with the trolley rail?

(see the answer keys)

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