Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Mafatu wake up the next morning and remember?
2. What has rooted Mafatu to the ground?
3. About what is Mafatu unsure?
4. What does Mafatu sees after he slides down the lava slide?
5. Where are fish hooks made from bone, coconut-shell bowls, an extra clothing garment made waterproof for wet weather, and a coil of sennit found?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Mafatu become frightened?
2. Why does Mafatu go after his knife?
3. What does Mafatu remember and believe when he wakes up the next morning?
4. What does Mafatu do when his canoe is complete?
5. What is his victory?
6. What does the spearhead symbolize?
7. What does Mafatu make for dinner?
8. What has Mafatu done by saving his dog?
9. How does Mafatu realize there are humans nearby?
10. What happens when Mafatu and Uri are on the raft?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Mafatu takes only the bare essentials on his adventure.
Part 1) What does he take with him? How is this symbolic?
Part 2) How does the training he has received in his culture prepare him find what he needs using these basic supplies?
Part 3) Are you prepared by your culture to survive independently? Explain.
Essay Topic 2
Mafatu is the main character.
Part 1) Why was he called "The Boy Who Was Afraid?" Who called him this? How does he change throughout the story?
Part 2) What changes him?
Part 3) How are you known to others? How does this affect your behavior?
Part 4) Would you like to change how others think of you? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 3
After arriving on the island, Mafatu finds a spearhead.
Part 1) Why does he take it? How is taking the spearhead a victory?
Part 2) What does the spearhead symbolize?
Part 3) To what does this victory lead? How does this one event change his life forever?
Part 4) Describe an event that had a large impact on your life.
This section contains 920 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |