Calico Bush Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Calico Bush Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the ship the Sargents are sailing on to get to their new farm?

2. Why does Becky Sargent suggest the dog, Pumpkin, smells Indians?

3. How many pairs of shoes does Dolly tell Aunt Hespa there are for her children and Marguerite that winter in Part 2?

4. Who is Jerusha?

5. What animal does Marguerite think Dolly resembles in her homespun dress and scoop bonnet?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Aunt Hespa tell Dolly and Marguerite to do with the baby to ensure she will not play in the open fire in the main room of the house?

2. What does Abby Welles claim she would like to have when Ethan Jordan and Timothy Welles prepare to sail to Portsmouth on the Isabella B?

3. What does Marguerite show the Sargents that frightens them the night after she got lost in the woods?

4. What does Marguerite do when she wakes in the night and realizes a storm has taken control of the ship?

5. How does Jacob Sargent injure himself during the Raising? How does Marguerite help to care for the child?

6. What luxuries does Marguerite find herself indulging in at Aunt Hespa's house shortly after rescuing the cow and calf?

7. How does Marguerite become lost in the woods?

8. What does Marguerite see in the sky over Sunday Island on the day she goes to help Aunt Hespa with the weaving of cloth?

9. Why do the children follow the dog to the stream? What do they see? What happens next?

10. Why are the captain and Joel Sargent surprised to find Caleb and Marguerite still on board the ship after the storm? What does Joel say about Marguerite?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Who is Caleb? How does he treat Marguerite in the beginning of the novel? What does he think when Marguerite risks her life to help him save the animals during a storm? Does this change his perception of her? Why does Caleb lead Marguerite and the children into the woods and leave them alone? What happens when Marguerite tries to find her way home alone? How does Caleb feel about this? What do Caleb and Marguerite do together the night Debby is burned? How does this alter Caleb's opinion of Marguerite? How does Caleb feel when he learns that Marguerite might go to Canada to live in a convent? How does he react when she chooses to remain with the Sargents?

Essay Topic 2

Who is Aunt Hespa? How does Marguerite come to meet her? What is their relationship like from the first meeting? What does Aunt Hespa have that Marguerite admires? What does Aunt Hespa show Marguerite on their first meeting? What does Aunt Hespa have to teach Marguerite? How many times does Marguerite visit Aunt Hespa to help with chores and projects? What quilt pattern does Aunt Hespa show Marguerite? What gift does Aunt Hespa make to Marguerite at the end of the novel?

Essay Topic 3

What is a corn shelling party? Why do the Jordans throw one? What do these parties centered around work say about the time period? What type of dance does Marguerite do after the shelling is done? Why do some of the neighbors find it shocking? Why does Aunt Hespa express the opinion that it was a nice dance? What does this dance say about the differences between Marguerite and the people to whom she is bound?

(see the answer keys)

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