Calico Bush Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Calico Bush Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many pairs of shoes does Dolly tell Aunt Hespa there are for her children and Marguerite that winter in Part 2?

2. Who is to sail with the Isabella B when it leaves for Portsmouth?

3. Why does Joel Sargent tell his wife the captain of the Isabella B stayed with them for so long?

4. Off of what island is it said is the best fishing in Penobscot Bay?

5. What crops did the Sargents plant upon their arrival that are just coming up in Part 2?

Short Essay Questions

1. When the ship drops anchor at Falmouth, why do they decide to drop anchor outside of town?

2. How does Caleb react when he finds Marguerite and the children wondering alone in the woods?

3. What does Marguerite show the Sargents that frightens them the night after she got lost in the woods?

4. Why does Marguerite stop to investigate a cave while searching for a way out of the woods?

5. What type of cuttings does Seth Jordan bring the Sargents? For what reason?

6. Why do the children follow the dog to the stream? What do they see? What happens next?

7. What does Marguerite see in the sky over Sunday Island on the day she goes to help Aunt Hespa with the weaving of cloth?

8. What causes Marguerite a rare moment of happiness during the Raising?

9. What is a Raising? Why does Caleb tell Marguerite it is important to the family?

10. Why does the Captain refuse to enter Penobscot Bay when they reach the mouth?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the following in detail and how each impacts the development of the plot in the early sections of the novel:

1) The physical setting of the novel: Isabella B, the ship

2) The physical setting of the novel: Maine.

3) The time period of the novel: 1743

Essay Topic 2

What is a sugar maple? What does the Sargent family do with their sugar maple trees that brightens everyone's spirit in the aftermath of the winter? What other activities does the family begin to renew after the long winter? Why does Ira take Marguerite with him to visit Abby Welles? What does Abby give to Marguerite that makes her very happy? What does Marguerite later do with this item? Why does Marguerite sacrifice something that meant so much to her? What does this say about Marguerite's character?

Essay Topic 3

Who is Aunt Hespa? How does Marguerite come to meet her? What is their relationship like from the first meeting? What does Aunt Hespa have that Marguerite admires? What does Aunt Hespa show Marguerite on their first meeting? What does Aunt Hespa have to teach Marguerite? How many times does Marguerite visit Aunt Hespa to help with chores and projects? What quilt pattern does Aunt Hespa show Marguerite? What gift does Aunt Hespa make to Marguerite at the end of the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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