Calico Bush Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Calico Bush Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first word the Indian in the woods speaks to Marguerite?
(a) Love.
(b) Noel.
(c) Help.
(d) Hello.

2. What treat does Abby talk her mother into serving Ira Sargent and Marguerite?
(a) Pumpkin pie.
(b) Molasses cakes.
(c) Spice cake.
(d) Fresh bread.

3. What does Ira fashion to remove the sap from the sugar maple trees?
(a) Steel nails.
(b) Hollowed out wooden pegs.
(c) A rubber hose.
(d) Iron spikes.

4. What date does Ira Sargent tell Marguerite it will be the day after she has visited Debby's grave?
(a) March 1.
(b) February 27.
(c) December 31.
(d) January 1.

5. What favorite memory of Christmas with the Sisters at the convent does Marguerite have?
(a) Feeding the poor.
(b) Exchaning presents.
(c) Watching the Christmas pageant.
(d) Singing Christmas carols.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sound does Marguerite hear in the fog that convinces her there are Indians surrounding her?

2. What does Joel do while in the throes of a fever in part 4?

3. What does the Indian call the person who helped heal him in Quebec?

4. Why does Abby want to learn the embroidery stitches Marguerite learned to do in a convent in France?

5. What is the name of the girl in Aunt Hespa's song, Calico Bush?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Marguerite learn was the only thing the Sargents routinely do to celebrate Christmas?

2. How is Joel Sargent injured in Part 4? How bad is the injury?

3. After the Maypole begins to fall apart at the end of Part 4, how does Marguerite finally make the Indians leave Sargent's Point?

4. What arrives in the channel to cause a great deal of excitement on Sargent's Point? What do they want?

5. What quilt does Aunt Hespa give to Marguerite to complete? For what purpose?

6. How do the Sargents friends and neighbors react when Marguerite dances a French dance?

7. Who does Abby Welles say a heartfelt goodbye to when the men leave? What does this say about her choice of suitors?

8. Who does Marguerite run into while she is walking in the woods Christmas Eve to sing Christmas carols on her own? What does he tell her? What does she give him?

9. How does Marguerite react to the arrival of the Indians after returning the children safely to the house?

10. Why does Dolly refuse to allow Marguerite to go to Sunday Island to get help? Why does their signal of a white sheet fail to gain notice?

(see the answer keys)

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