Calico Bush Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Calico Bush Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a reel?
(a) A type of song.
(b) A type of musical instrument.
(c) A type of dance.
(d) A type of party game.

2. What task do the men set to as they wait for the final days of winter to blow away?
(a) Clearing the land of trees for planting.
(b) Moving snow from around the house to prepare a garden.
(c) Whittling more dishes.
(d) Fixing new handles for the axes and preparing the other tools.

3. What excuse does Marguerite give Dolly when she slips out of the house Christmas Eve?
(a) She wants to milk the cow.
(b) She wants to gather pine cones for the fire.
(c) She wants to look for blueberries.
(d) She wants to look for eggs.

4. Why did Marguerite not attend Debby's burial?
(a) She had a cold.
(b) Her feet were too swollen from the cold.
(c) She refused to accept the child's death.
(d) The Sargents would not allow it.

5. What things does Hannah Welles criticize Ira Sargent for in part 4?
(a) His inability to provide a home and shelter to her daughter.
(b) His dependence on his brother and his lack of a work ethic.
(c) His dependence on his brother and settling on land known to have been raided by Indians.
(d) His lack of income and his desire to return to Portsmouth.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Marguerite and Dolly get Joel back to the house after he is injured?

2. How does Aunt Hespa get across the channel to help treat Debby's burns?

3. What complaint does Dolly make in part 4 as Joel prepares the fields for planting?

4. Why does Dolly quickly insist on putting a splint on Joel's injured leg?

5. How does Marguerite propose she reach Aunt Hespa for help in caring for Debby's burns?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Ira take Marguerite on his first visit to see Abby Welles after the long winter? What does Abby give to Marguerite?

2. What news do the men bring back from Sargent's Point when they return from checking on the cause of some smoke seen from Sunday Island?

3. What does Marguerite think of the line dance that the neighbors teach her at the corn shelling?

4. Who does Abby Welles say a heartfelt goodbye to when the men leave? What does this say about her choice of suitors?

5. What type of gathering do the Jordans have shortly after Timothy Welles and Ethan Jordan return from Portsmouth?

6. How does Marguerite react to the arrival of the Indians after returning the children safely to the house?

7. What offer does Joel Sargent make to Marguerite at the end of the novel?

8. Why does Dolly refuse to allow Marguerite to go to Sunday Island to get help? Why does their signal of a white sheet fail to gain notice?

9. What warning is stated in the final chorus of the song Aunt Hespa sings once more during the corn shelling?

10. What do the Sargents do to the sugar maple trees that makes Marguerite fear for their survival?

(see the answer keys)

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