Calico Bush Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Calico Bush Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Abby want to learn the embroidery stitches Marguerite learned to do in a convent in France?
(a) To decorate the collars of her new dresses.
(b) To impress her mother.
(c) To make a fancy wedding dress.
(d) To decorate some napkins she is making for the home she will share with Ira.

2. What cargo does the Fortunate Star carry?
(a) Coffee and beans for the people of Boston.
(b) Dried goods for the Royal Navy.
(c) Lumber to the Royal Navy.
(d) Cloth and tea for sale in Boston.

3. Why is one of the ears of corn red?
(a) It hides money in its silk.
(b) It is a game. The winner gets out of work for the day.
(c) It is a traditional object of good luck.
(d) It is a sign that the person who finds it will marry soon.

4. What do the Sargents do with the sap once they have drained it from the trees?
(a) Lay it in the sun to dry in sheets.
(b) Boil it.
(c) Drink it.
(d) Store it away.

5. What food remains the staple of the Sargents' diet during the long, harsh winter?
(a) Turnips, cornmeal, and dried fish.
(b) Turnips, radishes, and potatoes.
(c) Carrots, corn, and peas.
(d) Tomatoes, dried meat, and rice.

6. What sound does Marguerite hear in the fog that convinces her there are Indians surrounding her?
(a) Voices.
(b) Breaking branches.
(c) Footsteps.
(d) Bird calls.

7. What item does Marguerite wish she had at the beginning of part 3 so that she might pray for Ira Sargent and Abby Welles?
(a) A rosary.
(b) A crucifix.
(c) A St. Jude medal.
(d) A Bible.

8. How does Marguerite propose she reach Aunt Hespa for help in caring for Debby's burns?
(a) Climb over the channel on an old rope bridge.
(b) Swim across the channel.
(c) Boat across the channel.
(d) Walk across the frozen channel.

9. In part 3, it is revealed that Ira plans to make his home where?
(a) In Marblehead.
(b) On a hundred acres of land on Sargent's Point that Joel has given him.
(c) On an acre of land Mr. Welles has given him.
(d) On Sunday Island.

10. Who does Dolly blame for the baby's burns?
(a) Joel for brining them there and herself for not teaching the child to fear fire.
(b) Marguerite for not watching the child closer.
(c) Ira for putting too many logs on the fire.
(d) The twins for pushing the child close to the fire.

11. What gift does Hannah Welles feel Abby should have returned when she made the choice to marry Ira Sargent?
(a) Silk cloth Seth Jordan gave her.
(b) A pocketwatch Captain Hunt gave her.
(c) The six teacups Ethan Jordan gave her.
(d) A bracelet Timothy gave her.

12. What gift did Ethan Jordan bring to Abby Welles upon his return from Portsmouth?
(a) Silk material for a dress.
(b) China cups.
(c) Perfume.
(d) A bracelet.

13. What type of dress that Abby is making does she show Marguerite on her visit in part 4?
(a) Broadcloth.
(b) Silk.
(c) Homespun.
(d) Calico.

14. What does Joel do while in the throes of a fever in part 4?
(a) Cry out for Debby.
(b) Scream out orders to Ira and Caleb.
(c) Moan in agony.
(d) Firght Indians.

15. What is a reel?
(a) A type of song.
(b) A type of dance.
(c) A type of musical instrument.
(d) A type of party game.

Short Answer Questions

1. In part 4, what do the twins draw straws to do?

2. Who follows Marguerite to the grave when she finally has a chance to visit it?

3. What chore are the children asked to work in order to prepare the soil for planting?

4. How does Susan claim the Indians eat their clams in part 4?

5. What does Caleb ask Marguerite to take care of in his absence?

(see the answer keys)

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