Calico Bush Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Calico Bush Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In part 2, what do the men spend most of their evenings doing?
(a) Reading the Bible.
(b) Whittling spoons out of wood.
(c) Building furniture.
(d) Telling stories of their childhoods.

2. What item of clothing does Aunt Hespa give to Marguerite at the end of part 2?
(a) Boots.
(b) A new dress.
(c) Cotton underclothing.
(d) Stockings.

3. What skill was Marguerite taught by the Sisters in a convent in France?
(a) Painting.
(b) Embroidery.
(c) Knitting.
(d) Sculpting.

4. When Marguerite finds the cave in the woods, what about it frightens her?
(a) The closeness.
(b) The smell.
(c) The idea of bears.
(d) The bats.

5. Who is Seth Jordan?
(a) Marguerite's cousin.
(b) The governor of the village where the Sargents are settling.
(c) The previous owner of the Sargents' farm.
(d) One of the Sargents' new neighbors.

6. How has Ira Sargent created a calendar at the new farm?
(a) By cutting notches into a tree in the front yard.
(b) By cutting notches into the bed post.
(c) By cutting notches into a board.
(d) Cutting notches for each day into a pole beside the front door step.

7. What is a dory?
(a) A bird.
(b) A tool.
(c) A small boat.
(d) A large ship.

8. What do the children talk about as they watch the men work at the Raising?
(a) They compare the men's stamina.
(b) They compare the men's clothing.
(c) They compare the men's tools.
(d) They compare the men's work abilities.

9. How does Marguerite catch sight of her reflection for the first time in many months?
(a) She sees her reflection in a window.
(b) She finds a looking glass in the woods.
(c) She sees her reflection in the water.
(d) She finds a mirror among Dolly's belongings.

10. Who is Champlain?
(a) A French aristocrat.
(b) A French explorer.
(c) A French priest.
(d) A French painter.

11. Whose fresh dress and white knitted stockings makes Marguerite feel self conscious?
(a) Hannah Welles.
(b) Eliza Stanley.
(c) Abby Welles.
(d) Mary Jane Morse.

12. When Marguerite is awoken by the storm, what is the first thing she does?
(a) Reaches for her belongings.
(b) Reaches for her rosary.
(c) Reaches for her money.
(d) Reaches for the children.

13. What is the last thing the men do to the house before they finish work at the Raising?
(a) Press moss into the cracks between the logs.
(b) Carry the furniture into the house.
(c) Install glass in the windows.
(d) Clean up the wood chips from the chopping of logs.

14. What does Aunt Hespa bring for Marguerite when she arrives at the Raising?
(a) A doll.
(b) A new dress.
(c) Fresh herbs.
(d) New stockings.

15. In Part 2, rumors of what delayed the sailing of the Isabella B in one of two incidences?
(a) Heavy seas.
(b) A French invasion.
(c) Indian raids.
(d) Bad storms.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many pairs of shoes does Dolly tell Aunt Hespa there are for her children and Marguerite that winter in Part 2?

2. In part 2, Marguerite stumbles on a cave and finds a pile of bones near a cold fire. What else does she find?

3. What is one of the reasons Joel Sargent gives for deciding to sell all he owns to buy this new farm?

4. Who is to sail with the Isabella B when it leaves for Portsmouth?

5. What did the captain say takes you places without waiting for no road?

(see the answer keys)

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