Calico Bush Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Calico Bush Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Marguerite get a bruise on her forehead?
(a) She is punished by Joel Sargent for insolence.
(b) She falls below deck during the storm.
(c) She is hit with debris while helping to save the livestock during a storm.
(d) She is kicked by one of the children in their sleep.

2. In part 2, what do the men spend most of their evenings doing?
(a) Telling stories of their childhoods.
(b) Reading the Bible.
(c) Whittling spoons out of wood.
(d) Building furniture.

3. Who is Champlain?
(a) A French painter.
(b) A French explorer.
(c) A French priest.
(d) A French aristocrat.

4. Why is the roof of the cave darkened?
(a) The bears have rubbed against it, staining it with the oils from their coats.
(b) The damp has caused a growth of mold.
(c) There have been many fires inside the cave.
(d) The Indians have drawn on it.

5. What special clothing is Debby wearing for the Raising?
(a) A holland jumper.
(b) A homespun t-shirt and diaper.
(c) A silk christening dress.
(d) A cotton dress.

6. In Aunt Hespa's song, what happens to the young woman's lover?
(a) He died at sea.
(b) He froze to death while traveling to get his bride a nice wedding dress.
(c) He froze to death working in the fields of his farm.
(d) He was murdered by theives.

7. What kind of dress to several of the Sargent children wish they could have?
(a) Dresses of silk.
(b) Dresses with long, stiff skirts.
(c) Dresses of soft cotton.
(d) Dresses with color and patterns.

8. Who are the Morses?
(a) The local magistrate.
(b) Neighbors of the Sargents.
(c) Marguerite's family.
(d) Cousins to the Jordans.

9. Off of what island is it said is the best fishing in Penobscot Bay?
(a) Mount Desert.
(b) Monhegan.
(c) Sunday Island.
(d) Isle au Haut.

10. Who responds to Marguerite with friendliness at the Raising that brings Marguerite pleasure?
(a) Ira Sargent.
(b) Abby Welles.
(c) Caleb Sargent.
(d) Dolly Sargent.

11. What job did Marguerite want to attend to at the Raising?
(a) Cooking the wildfowl.
(b) Filling the spaces between the logs on the new house.
(c) Minding the children.
(d) Keeping flies from the food.

12. What is the name of the ship the Sargents are sailing on to get to their new farm?
(a) Isadora D.
(b) TransAtlantic.
(c) Isabella B.
(d) TransStar.

13. What crops did the Sargents plant upon their arrival that are just coming up in Part 2?
(a) Potatoes, rice, and watermelon.
(b) Corn, turnips, and potatoes.
(c) Potatoes, tomatoes, and beans.
(d) Corn, rice, and radishes.

14. Who rescues Marguerite out of the water after she rescues the cow and calf?
(a) Caleb Sargent.
(b) Ira Sargent.
(c) Dolly Sargent.
(d) Joel Sargent.

15. What does Marguerite wear on a cord around her neck?
(a) Her grandmother's ring and her uncle's photograph.
(b) A button of her uncle's and a brooch of her grandmother's.
(c) One of her uncle's buttons and her grandmother's plain gold ring.
(d) Her uncle's wedding ring and her grandmother's watch.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of whom is the poem Maypole Point about?

2. In Part 2, rumors of what delayed the sailing of the Isabella B in one of two incidences?

3. Who is Jerusha?

4. In part 2, what bird does Marguerite show a reluctance to eat?

5. What does Aunt Hespa bring for Marguerite when she arrives at the Raising?

(see the answer keys)

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