Objects & Places from Calico Bush

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Calico Bush

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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China Cups

Ethan buys Abby these on a trip to get supplies as a show of affection. However, Abby chooses to marry Ira Sargent over Ethan Jordan.

Homespun Dress

Marguerite grows increasingly embarrassed of this as she quickly outgrows it in a matter of a year.

Ring and Button

Marguerite wears these items on a cord around her neck. These are the only mementos of her past that Marguerite still has.

Calico Bush

This is another name for sheep laurel, a type of flower that grows on Sunday Island.

Corncob Doll

The young children in Marguerite's care share this.


One of the staples of the Sargent family's menu during the long winter is this. Dolly often makes a type of pudding out of this that is more than likely a version of grits.

Sugar Maples

The Sargents have a pair of these on their land. When spring...

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